
  1. 海淀区作为国家自主创新示范区的核心区,其发展和空间资源存在供需矛盾。

    As the core region of National Independent Innovative Demonstration Zones , Haidian district faces the conflict between the supply and demand of space .

  2. 第七章则以武汉东湖新技术开发区为例,分析了在其建设国家自主创新示范区的过程中如何构建完善的科技金融体系,支持高新技术产业的发展。

    Chapter ⅶ Deriving from Wuhan East Lake New Technology Development Zone , for example , analyzes how to build a sound financial system technology during the course of its nation-building process of national demonstration area .

  3. 把国家自主创新示范区股权激励、科技成果处置权收益权改革等试点政策,扩大到更多科技园区和科教单位。

    More science parks and scientific and educational institutions will be covered by the trial reform policy that gives national innovation demonstration zones equity-based incentives for making innovation and the right to transfer and profit from their scientific and technological advances .

  4. 东湖高新区成为继中关村之后的第二个国家自主创新示范区,在享受国家给予的各种优惠政策的同时,也要为建设创新型国家、实施国家自主创新战略贡献力量。

    East Lake High-tech Zone has become the second national innovation demonstration zone after Zhongguancun . While enjoying various preferential policies granted by the State , we should also contribute to build an innovative country and implement of the national innovation strategy .