  • complete;whole;entire;full
  • entirely;completely;totally
  • make perfect or complete;keep intact
  • 完备,齐备,完整,不缺少:齐~。完~。智勇双~。求~责备。

  • 整个,遍:~部。~国。~民。~神贯注。~心~意。

  • 都:代表~来了。

  • 使不受损伤:保~。

  • 姓。


(完备; 齐全) complete:

  • 获得全胜

    win complete victory;

  • 人都来全了吗?

    Is everybody here?

  • 手稿已残缺不全。

    The manuscript is no longer complete.

  • 这商店虽然小, 货物却很全。

    The shop, though small, has a satisfactory variety of goods.


(整个) whole; entire; full; total:

  • 全国

    the whole [entire] nation;

  • 全过程

    the entire proceeding;

  • 全世界

    the whole world; all over the world;

  • 全中国

    the whole of China; all over China;

  • 全书共20卷。

    The work is complete in twenty volumes.


(完全; 都) entirely; completely; totally:

  • 全错了

    completely [all] wrong;

  • 课文全复习完了。

    We have reviewed the whole text.

  • 全怪我。

    It's entirely my fault.

  • 她全不理会大家的话, 只是坐在那里发呆。

    She paid no attention to whatever others had said but sat there in a trance.

  • 我们一家全去了。

    My whole family went.


(保全; 使完整不缺) make perfect or complete; keep intact:

  • 全性保真

    (Taoist) keep one's original nature;

  • 苟全性命

    manage to stay alive with sacrifice of principles;

  • 两全其美

    satisfy both sides


(姓氏)a surname:

  • 全琮

    Quan Cong

  1. 本书无意标榜为那个时期的全史。

    The book does not purport to be a complete history of the period .

  2. 我收集了全套。

    I 've collected the complete set .

  3. 这消息将使全世界崇拜他的人都感到高兴。

    This news will delight his fans all over the world .

  4. 他啪的一声按了下开关,灯全熄了。

    He flicked a switch and all the lights went out .

  5. 她把成年后的时间全用于维护那一关系。

    She had invested all her adult life in the relationship .

  6. 全世界的人都在等待宇航员的消息。

    The whole world was waiting for news of the astronauts .

  7. 我只差一张卡片就配齐全套了。

    I only need one more card to complete the set .

  8. 我很感激我的全家人。

    I owe a debt of gratitude to all my family .

  9. 他一字不差地背诵了全诗。

    He recited the whole poem without making a single slip .

  10. 他雇谁辞谁全听他的合伙人的一句话。

    He hired and fired people on his partner 's say-so .

  11. 她把包里的东西全倒在了桌子上。

    She emptied the contents of her bag onto the table .

  12. 我们在全世界的总销售量估计在5000万左右。

    Estimations of our total world sales are around 50 million .

  13. 他们一下子把那包饼干全吃光了。

    They ate the packet of biscuits all in one go .

  14. 他全吃光了,一点不剩。

    He ate it all , down to the last morsel .

  15. 能不能得到好的指点那就全靠运气了。

    It 's pot luck whether you get good advice or not .

  16. 赛跑的最后一段全是上坡路。

    The last part of the race is all uphill .

  17. 这不,我的休假计划全泡汤了!

    Well , that 's my holiday plans gone up the spout !

  18. 这支乐队使全世界的观众狂热痴迷。

    This band has thrilled audiences all over the world .

  19. 全家人聚集在雷的家中。

    The whole family gathered together at Ray 's home .

  20. 地图上标明了这一物种在全世界的分布情况。

    The map shows the distribution of this species across the world .

  21. 使用的材料全是优质品。

    All the materials used were of the highest grade .

  22. 我全靠他的帮助才找到这份工作。

    It was through him that I got the job .

  23. 我把赢了的钱全压在最后一场赛马上了。

    I gambled all my winnings on the last race .

  24. 安静点,别把全家人都吵醒!

    Be quiet or you 'll wake the whole house !

  25. 他们最近努力想提高销售量,全是白费劲。

    Their recent attempt to increase sales has been a dismal failure .

  26. 他们胜利的消息迅速传遍了全世界。

    News of their triumph was flashed around the world .

  27. 变这个戏法全凭手法敏捷。

    The trick is done simply by sleight of hand .

  28. 他们的许诺到头来全是空的、骗人的。

    Their promises turned out to be full of sham and hypocrisy .

  29. 他总是把报纸从头到尾全看一遍。

    He always reads the paper from cover to cover .

  30. 尽早去看你的全科医生。

    Go and see your GP as soon as possible .