
  1. 第四部分通过对全国教育会联合会的研究得出的几点启示。

    Part Four is the speculation on the Association of National Education Committee .

  2. 全国教育会联合会在内部具有系统性。

    The Association of National Education Committee was an association with the orderly system .

  3. 全国教育会联合会,又叫各省省教育会联合会,是中国近现代教育史上最重要的教育学术团体之一。

    National educational association federation is one of important Chinese education academic groups that is also known as " provincial Department of Education Federation " .

  4. 壬戌学制及其课程标准的制定、庚款用于兴学和国语教育的推行,都离不开全国教育会联合会的努力。

    Its efforts brought about foundation of Rexu education system and relevant curriculum standards , the Boxer Indemnity Remission for education and the promotion of mandarin as educational language .

  5. 全国教育会联合会是中国近代重要的教育学术团体之一,其历届年会研讨的问题几乎涉及了整个教育领域的方方面面。

    National educational association federation is one of important modern Chinese education academic groups . The discussion questions of its annual meetings almost involved every aspect of the whole education field .