
  1. 国家版图意识教育研究

    Research on the Education of the National Territory Awareness

  2. 国家版图体现了一个国家在主权方面的意志和在国际社会的政治、外交立场,具有严肃的政治性、严密的科学性和严格的法定性。

    The national territory reflects the will of a country in the filed of sovereignty , and its political , diplomatic stance in the international community . It is a political , scientific , and legal issue .

  3. 地图作为国家版图的主要表现形式,不仅具有丰富的内涵,而且反映了复杂的社会关系,同时,它还对人们国家版图意识的形成和发展具有重要影响。

    A map is the main form reflecting the national territory , embodying rich contents and reflecting complicated social relations . And it imposes important impact on the development of the national territory awareness of the people .

  4. 从这个意义上讲,清朝不仅留给今天中国人民国家版图与统一的多民族国家的物质财富,而且留下了界定中国一词内涵与外延的弥足珍贵的精神财富。

    From this perspective , the Qing dynasty not only bequeathed the present Chinese territory and the material wealth of united multi-nationalities country , but also the precious spiritual legacy of the content and denotation of China and Chinese nationality .

  5. 在此基础上,本文从分析地图与国家版图意识形成和发展之间的关系出发,结合我国社会的实际情况和现实需要,对加强国家版图意识教育的问题提出了一些战略思考。

    On this basis and starting from the relationship between the map and the development of national territory awareness , the author comes up with some strategic thoughts on promoting the education of national territory awareness , while relating to the actual condition and realistic needs of the Chinese society .

  6. 公元前1世纪前后,罗马国家的版图经历了大规模而迅速的扩张。

    Around the 1st century BC , the territory of Rome experienced a quick and mass extension .

  7. 金砖国家在版图面积和世界经济规则中的位置有着相似之处。

    BRIC countries are similar in their size and in their position on the outside of the global economic order , looking in .

  8. 全球化的迅猛发展导致了当代人类社会生活空间正日益超越民族国家主权版图的界限,在世界范围内展现出全方位的沟通、联系、交流与互动的客观历史进程及趋势。

    Globalization has led rapid development of contemporary human society living space are increasingly beyond the boundaries of national sovereignty territory in the world show-communication , communication , exchange and interaction between the objective historical process and trends .

  9. 这是历史上第一次,真正意义上,一个国家从地球版图上消失。

    For the first time in history , you could actually lose countries off the face of the globe .

  10. 中国是一个地域广阔、非同寻常的国家,其版图绵延几千英里,西到沙漠,东至大海。

    China is a vast and extraordinary country spanning thousands of miles from the deserts in the west to the ocean on the east .