
ɡuǒ shī bù
  • shroud;winding sheet
  1. 这张裹尸布上有着鲜血的痕迹以及带有苦难与拷问的标记。

    The shroud also contains traces of blood and marks consistent with scourging and crucifixion .

  2. 1977年,一队经由神圣裹尸布行业协会挑选的科学家发展了一套测试裹尸布的操作计划,指定了都灵裹尸布研究计划(STURP)。

    In1977 , a team of scientists selected by the Holy Shroud Guild developed a program of tests to conduct on the Shroud , designated the Shroud of Turin Research Project ( STURP ) .

  3. 时尚杂志建议女人穿适合自己年龄的衣服。如果是这样我岂不是要穿裹尸布。

    The fashion magazines are suggesting that women wear clothes that are ' age appropriate . ' For me that would be a shroud1 .

  4. 他梦见了他的领主父亲和裹尸布大人。

    He dreamt of his lord father and the Shrouded Lord .

  5. 医生想拿床单当裹尸布。

    The doctor wanted to use the sheet for a shroud .

  6. 2002年,圣座已经归还了裹尸布。

    In 2002 the Holy See had the shroud restored .

  7. 我不想见到裹尸布神。

    I do not want to meet the Shrouded Lord .

  8. 医生想让我们用床单当裹尸布。

    The doctor wanted us to use the sheet for a shroud .

  9. 打开棺木,严密的裹尸布一碰就风化成粉末了。

    Open coffin , shroud close touch on the wind into a powder .

  10. 医生想用床单权作裹尸布。

    The doctor wanted the sheet for a shroud .

  11. 裹尸布上淡红色的痕迹是否血迹也是一个疑问。

    Whether the red-tinged stains on the shroud are actually blood has been questioned .

  12. 为老英格兰织起裹尸布。

    Shall weave old England 's winding sheet .

  13. 只有粘附在裹尸布上的小纤维用作测试血液。

    Only fibrils lifted from the shroud on sticky tape were tested for blood .

  14. 一个较晚的人体肖像也可以在裹尸布的背面被发现。

    A posterior image of the body was found on the back of the shroud .

  15. 都灵裹尸布第二张脸的发现再一次有了分歧的观点。

    The discovery of a second face on the Turin Shroud has again divided opinion .

  16. 1532年,贮藏在礼拜堂的裹尸布受到了一场火灾的破坏。

    In1532 the shroud suffered damage from a fire in the chapel where it was stored .

  17. 所有这一切加起来能够为都灵裹尸布提供明确答案吗?

    Does all this add up to definite answers on the origins of the Shroud of Turin ?

  18. 那些石人就很骄傲,而裹尸布神是其中最骄傲的。

    The stone men were proud as well , and the Shrouded Lord was proudest of them all .

  19. 该遗迹被称为都灵“耶稣裹尸布”,展示出一个人的面部和身体。

    The relic , known as the Shroud of Turin , shows a man 's body and face .

  20. 裹尸布上的这个形象,如果使用黑白摄影中的“反转”方式观看,会比在正面自然的黑白影像之下,显得更加清晰得多。

    The image on the shroud is much clearer in black-and-white negative than in its natural sepia color .

  21. 旧的裹尸布给新婚燕尔、尚未生育的夫妇用来铺婚床。

    The old shroud is given to a newly married , childless couple to cover the connubial bed .

  22. 据说裹尸布大人予以博其一笑的人恩惠。

    They say that the Shrouded Lord will grant a boon to any man who can make him laugh .

  23. 当随行医生拿开了裹尸布时,他发现安吉洛的身体还是温暖的,他的心脏还在微微跳动。

    When the doctor removed the death shroud , he found Angelo 's body warm and his heart barely beating .

  24. 怀疑论者声称这块裹尸布是中世纪的愚弄或伪造物&或者是一块艺术逼真的信仰作品。

    Skeptics contend the shroud is a medieval hoax or forgery - or even a devotional work of artistic verisimilitude .

  25. “我怀疑他们有没有我这种尺寸的裹尸布。”侏儒用棍子搅拌着煤渣。

    " I doubt they have a shroud my size . " The dwarf stirred the coals with a poker .

  26. 石阶向上无尽的延伸,又陡又滑还不稳,在顶上的某处裹尸布神在那儿等待。

    Stone steps ascending endlessly , steep and slick and treacherous , and somewhere at the top , the Shrouded Lord .

  27. 然而,列奥纳多的自画像和裹尸布之间有很多惊人的相似。

    However , the resemblance between the shroud image and Leonardo 's famous self-portrait has been described as striking by many .

  28. 为老英格兰织起裹尸布。一块巨大的白色裹尸布裹着尸体,从外面可以看出尸体的轮廓。

    Shall weave old England 's winding sheet . A large white winding-sheet covered the corpse and partly outlined its misshapen contours .

  29. 黑色的天宇笼罩着这些死气沉沉的街巷,有如一幅巨大的裹尸布覆盖在这巨大的坟墓上。

    A black sky rested on these dead streets , as though an immense winding-sheet were being outspread over this immense tomb .

  30. 罗穆卢斯(战神玛尔斯之子)的房子会畏惧野猪的野性,野猪生命终结时会用裹尸布神秘地遮蔽着。

    The House of Romulus shall dread the Boar 's savagery , and the end of the Boar will be shrouded in mystery .
