
ɡuó jì jì shù zhuǎn rànɡ
  • International technology transfer;international transfer of technology
  1. 论国际技术转让中对商业秘密的保护

    Protection of Trade Secrets in the International Transfer of Technology

  2. 论国际技术转让中的限制性商业行为

    On Restrictive Business Practices in the International Transfer of Technology

  3. 谈国际技术转让中的知识产权保护

    Review on Protection for Intelligence Property in Technique Exchanges Between Nations

  4. 跨国公司国际技术转让战略中的许可证安排

    The Role of Licensing in the International Technology Transfer of TNCS

  5. 略论在国际技术转让中我国知识产权的保护

    On Protection of China 's Knowledge Property Right in International Technology Transfers

  6. 论国际技术转让合同准据法的确定

    On Determination of the Applicable Law of the International Contract of Technology Transfer

  7. 国际技术转让合同英译浅谈

    On the English Translation of International Technology Transfer Contract

  8. 国际技术转让是发展国民经济、提高科技水平的捷径。

    International technology transfers is a shortcut to develop national economy and upgrade technology .

  9. 基于国际技术转让周期的企业知识产权保护机制研究

    The Research on Intellectual Property Right Protective Mechanism of Enterprise Based on International Technology Transfer Cycle

  10. 因此,解决好这些问题都对国际技术转让的顺利进行有着重要的影响。

    The efforts as such will undoubtedly be conducive to the smooth transactions of international technology transfer .

  11. 所以,研究我国如何科学有效的对国际技术转让中的限制性条款进行法律规制就有十分重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , it is very important to study how to regulate restrictive clauses effectively in international technology transfer .

  12. 限制性条款也严重阻碍了国际技术转让的发展,因此有必要对其进行法律规制。

    Restrictive clauses also seriously hinder international technology transfer development , therefore it is necessary to regulate it with the law .

  13. 但是,中国在国际技术转让中的知识产权保护方面存在一些问题和不足。

    In the international technology transfers , however , there are some problems and deficiencies about protection of knowledge property right .

  14. 关于国际技术转让行动守则草案的几个问题我国水产养殖管理中实施《负责任渔业行为守则》的研究

    ( Draft Text of the Proposed International Code of Conduct on Transfer of Technology ) Practices of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries in China aquaculture management

  15. 多项研究的结果表明外商直接投资对东道国具有多方面的溢出效应,特别在国际技术转让方面的作用受到了特别的关注。

    Many studies show that foreign direct investment in the host country has many spillover effects , particularly in the role of the international transfer of technology by the special attention .

  16. 国际技术转让合同适用当事人自主选择的法律,在当事人没有选择法律或选择法律无效时,适用与合同有最密切联系的法律。

    The law chosen by the parties should first be applied in the international contract of technology transfer , but in the absence of choice the applicable law of the contract is the law of proximate connection .

  17. 在当今世界,温室气体排放、气候变化日益成为全球探讨的热点,气候变化方面的国际技术转让问题也随之备受关注。

    Emissions of greenhouse gas and climate change have become hot topics that attract global attention in the present day . The issue of international technology transfer that is relevant with climate change also receives considerable publicity .

  18. 中国是国际技术转让市场上主要的受让国之一。在此背景下,关注国际技术转让合同中的限制性条款及其规制问题,对于中国具有特别的实践意义。

    China is one of the major receivers or transferees in international market for technology transfer Under such a background , it is of particular practical significance for China to explore the restrictive clauses contracts for international tech transfer or license and the approaches to which those clauses are regulated .

  19. 国际环境技术转让咨询委员会

    International Environmental Technology Transfer Advisory Board

  20. 国际低碳技术转让既充满挑战,也面临机遇。

    At present , there exist both challenges and opportunities in international transfer of low-carbon technologies .

  21. 虽然技术扩散存在诸多的困难,但技术转让是获取技术秘密或隐性知识的一个重要途径,国际间的技术转让更有助于发展中国家实现技术进步。

    Although it is difficult to diffuse the technology , technology transfer will help to acquire the know-how and tacit knowledge and the international technology transfer will help the developing countries realizing the technology progress .

  22. 他说,中国一直积极探索与气候变化相关的国际合作,如技术转让或研究合作。

    China has also been actively exploring international collaboration for climate change-related technology transfer and research , says Jiang .

  23. 在当今世界,外国直接投资与国际贸易、国际技术转让一样,已经成为推动经济全球化的主要力量。

    Nowadays , the foreign direct investment has already become the main power to impulse economy globalization , like the international trade and the international technology transfer .

  24. 第一章从风能专利技术国际转让的相关国际条约入手,梳理国际技术转让机制及其缺陷。

    The first chapter studies on international treaties relevant to the international transfer of patented wind-energy technologies , exploring the mechanisms for international transfer under these treaties and their defects .

  25. 上个世纪80年代以来,国际直接投资的发展速度已经超过了国际贸易和国际技术转让的发展速度,在国际经济中占据了主导地位。

    In the 1980s , the international direct investment has exceeded the pace of development of international trade and international technology transfer and has held a dominant position in the international economy .

  26. 由于技术创新在经济增长中日益重要的作用,及其在国际商业竞争和国际政治经济关系中的关键地位,经济全球化必然带动国际技术转让的日益频繁。

    Due to more and more important functions of technology innovation in the economic growth and its key positions in the international commercial competitions and in the international political economic relations , the economic globalization inevitably gives impetus to frequent technology transfer .