
  1. 炼化工程施工企业法律风险防范与对策

    Legal Risks Prevention and Countermeasures in Petrochemical Engineering Enterprises

  2. 建筑企业法律风险防范的研究

    Study on Preventing Law Risk of Construction Enterprise

  3. 本部分从强化法律风险防范意识和完善企业法律风险防范机制着手,提出了把法律风险防范与企业经营管理人员的考核相联系的建议。

    It starts from consolidating the legal risk prevention and perfecting the legal risk prevention system , and suggests combining the legal risk prevention with the staffs in the enterprises .

  4. 施工企业法律风险的防范

    Keeping away from the law risk by construction enterprises

  5. 商会推动企业建立法律风险防范体系的思考

    Thinking on Promoting Enterprises ' Establishing the System of Preventing Legal Risk of Chamber of Commerce

  6. 第三章探讨了企业合同法律风险防范的意义,得出企业应当提高合同法律风险防范意识,树立良好的企业社会形象。

    Chapter three discusses the significance of precautions . The company should enhance the awareness of risks and promote the social appearance .

  7. 经济全球化的发展和法治社会理念的提出,使得国有企业的法律风险防范意识需要不断加强。

    With the development of economic globalization and the rule of law concept being brought forward , the state owned enterprises need to increase the awareness of legal risk prevention .

  8. 为增强国有企业的法律风险防范能力,保障国有资产的保值增值,国家率先在国有企业强势推行企业法律顾问制度具有重要意义。

    Therefore it is of great significance to enforce the implement of enterprise legal adviser system first in state-owned enterprises in order to improve their ability in prevention of legal risk and ensure preservation and appreciation of state assets .

  9. 公司投资于普通合伙企业的法律风险及其防范

    Legal Risk and Prevention on Corporate Investment in General Partnership Enterprise

  10. 我国企业海外投资法律风险防范研究

    The Legal Risk of Overseas Investment of Enterprise of Our Country is Taken Precautions Against and Studied

  11. 第五部分在建立评估模型后,介绍了评估的步骤,并提出了企业法律风险控制与防范措施。

    Part V give the introduction of assessment procedure bused on the assessment model , and provides legal risk control and prevention measures .

  12. 第二部分是企业常见法律风险及防范。

    It also points out the necessity of legal risk prevention . The second part is the common legal enterprise risks and their prevention .

  13. 企业法务作为企业内部专门负责处理法律事务的工作人员,在企业管理、法律风险防范、合同管理、争议处理、诉讼辅助等领域发挥着重要作用。

    As the employee specializing in legal affairs , enterprise counsels play important role in business administration , prevention of legal risk , contract management , treatment of disputes and lawsuit assistance .