
  • 网络leahy;Lech;lacie;Lexi
  1. 莱希市旅游局的发言人PiaHerbst表示,弗里索当时随身携带着定位发射器,救援队得以迅速找到他的位置。

    He was wearing an avalanche beeper which allowed rescuers to locate him quickly , said Pia Herbst , spokeswoman for the Lech area tourism board .

  2. 参议员派屈克·莱希称这个项目为“dumb,dumb,dumb”,并表示他此前并不知道这项计划。

    Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont called the program " dumb , dumb , dumb " and said he was not aware of the effort .

  3. 莱希博士在办公室里看起来没有那么谨小慎微,放松了许多。

    In the office , Dr. Lahey seemed less guarded , more relaxed .

  4. 这种说法并非我的原创——它的版权属于蒂姆o列伯莱希特。他的新书《商业罗曼蒂克》(TheBusinessRomantic)即将出版。

    The phrase isn 't mine - it belongs to Tim Leberecht , author of the soon-to-be released The Business Romantic .

  5. 促销会上,没人买特里•莱希(TerryLeahy)写的这本通篇一副“我为什么这么伟大”口吻的管理回忆录,即使促销价格是0.5折。

    Last week there were no takers for Terry Leahy 's why-I 'm-so-great management memoir , even with the price slashed by 95 per cent .

  6. 不过如果我是他,我的主要想法会是:“该死的,我为什么会排在特易购(tesco)的特里莱希爵士(sirterryleahy)之后?他唯一的想法就是建设越来越多讨厌的超市。”

    Though if I were him my main thought would be : " why the hell have I been ranked behind Sir Terry Leahy of Tesco , whose only thought is to build more and more hideous supermarkets ? "

  7. 参议员莱希对KCRW电台说,国会曾试图在大公司和小公司的利益之间找到一个妥协。

    Senator Leahy told KCRW Radio that Congress had tried to find a compromise between the interests of big and small companies .

  8. 美国的创造就业投资移民签证项目,即EB-5,将于9月到期。国会参议院司法委员会主席格拉斯利、资深成员莱希日前联合提出一项两党支持的议案,延长并完善EB-5项目。

    US Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and Ranking Member Patrick Leahy introduced bi-partisan legislation to extend and improve the job-creating immigrant investor visa program , known as EB-5 , which is set to expire in September .

  9. 你是否能停下来莱希我从来没有评判�

    If you could stop.Lexi , I 'd never judge you .

  10. 莱希非让我去还有…今天我生日

    Lexi 's dragging me . And ... It 's my birthday .

  11. 莱希跟我说过你是个好吸血鬼

    Lexi once told me that you 're one of the good ones .

  12. 莱希也在美国广播公司“本周”节目上接受采访。

    Leahy also appeared on ABC 's This Week .

  13. 莱希真的很高兴遇见�

    Hey , Lexi.It was really nice meeting you .

  14. 莱希是我的朋友你怎能杀了她坟墓可以打开

    Lexi was my friend.How could you ? The tomb can be opened .

  15. 原因无他,福莱希始终以“在最舒适的手感范围内控制狗狗自由活动的空间”为准则。

    Like nothing else , it stands for controlled freedom of movement and the greatest handling comfort .

  16. 我叫莱希是斯特凡的朋友他在吗他正在淋浴

    Lexi , a friend of Stefan ' s.Is he here ? He 's in the shower .

  17. 为了成功,你必须付出代价。如果你付出了代价,你就会成功。--莱希

    You have to pay the price but if you do you can only win . & Frank Leahy

  18. 莱希参议员说,他希望这个法案今年可以得到参议院的通过,最后被签署成为法律。

    Senator Leahy says he hopes the bill fares better this year , and is eventually signed into law .

  19. 以后新的而且更好的莱希犬的后代继承下去了而且经常出现在电影和电视节目中。

    Since then , nice generations of " lassie " descendants have appeared in the films and TV series .

  20. 1987年你在芝加哥的时候和一个叫莱希的村姑一起听音乐会

    In 1987 , you were in Chicago , and a concert of all places with that wench Lexi .

  21. 莱希把你转化了如果你想和某人永远在一起就得拥有永恒的生命

    Lexi turned you ? If you want to be with someone forever , You have to live forever .

  22. 长期担任夏威夷州的民主党参议员丹尼尔·井上昨天去世后,莱希通过选举上位。

    He was chosen to the Senate post after yesterday 's death of long-time Democratic Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii .

  23. 莱希说,如果成立这样一个小组在国会得不到足够的支持,他自己会安排听证。

    Leahy says if there is not enough congressional support for such a panel , he will hold his own hearings .

  24. 是啊莱希我很高兴你能来好吧我们要怎样为你庆生

    Yeah.Hey , Lex ... I 'm really glad that you came here.Ok , what are we doing for your birthday ?

  25. 外国游客似乎也理解这种局面。安妮·凯斯琳和莱希是来到巴西度蜜月的丹麦新婚夫妇。

    Foreign visitors seem aware of the situation.Newlyweds Anne-Kathrin Hattels and her husband , Lasse , have come from Denmark for their honeymoon .

  26. 我也说不好可能是你你让我想起了一位故人我最好的朋友莱希

    I don 't know . I guess you , uh you remind me of someone , my , uh , my best friend , Lexi .

  27. 在这人和我母亲坐在餐桌边谈居室的修葺时,我母亲滑脱了她的鞋子,开始不经意的用脚磨蹭起莱希来。

    As he and my mother sat across the table discussing the renovation , my mother slipped off her shoes and mindlessly soothed Lacy with her feet .

  28. 莱希和科尔两人都不建议人们长时间穿洞洞鞋,不过短时间穿不会有大问题。

    While both Leahy and Kor are quick to dismiss the all-day wear of Crocs , they do admit that they 're OK for the short term .

  29. 同时,莱希还呼吁欧洲国家遵守其在2015年核协议中的承诺,不要屈服于美国政府的“压力和外交政策”。

    Meantime , Raisi called on European countries to their commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal and not to the " pressure and foreign policies " of Washington .

  30. 参议院民主党人莱希和众议院民主党人罗伊星期三发表评论,对这笔资金转移用途表示有保留意见。这两位议员都是重要的外交事务拨款小组委员会的主席。

    In comments Wednesday , Senate Democrat Patrick Leahy and House Democrat Nita Lowey , both of whom chair key foreign affairs appropriations subcommittees , expressed reservations about the aid shift .