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Analysis of characters of COD self-purification and its cause in Jinjiang Estuary
The relationship between COD and salinity , nitrate , phosphate in the Pearl River estuary was studied based on the investigation from February 1987 through February 1988 in the region .
The studied show that , because of the role in the cover of many islands in the Oujiang estuary , most of the incident waves have little effect on the estuary waters , only the E and the S directional waves have larger effect .
Base on the monitoring data for 11 years , including other the concerning information and study on COD of the short-term and Long-term self-purified character in Jinjang estuary was done .
Suspended sediment and the red tide in the estuarine waters
A Preliminary Study on Approach of Velocity Separation in Coastal and Estuarine Waters
Impact of Upwelling in the Summer on Copper Speciation and Bio-Toxicity in the Estuary of the Pearl River
Advance on the numerical simulation in estuarine n water environment , including two-dimensional and three-dimensional hydrodynamic model and water quality model was studied .
The organic pollution due to degradation of water hyacinth , which comes from inner land river , can promote the occurrence of red tide periodically .
Along the mangrove waterways , creeks and estuarine waters , a rich tradition of artisanal mariculture has evolved and fish constitutes an important part of the peoples'protein supply .
This late-model technique of preparing plant floating islet can be mainly utilized for ecological restoration projects in lakes with high depth , estuaries and water bodies for urban landscape .
In the legislation of the nature reserve for Chinese sturgeon , the type of wetland protected areas should be defined clearly that the nature reserve for Chinese sturgeon belongs to estuary waters wetland , a type of marine / coastal wetlands .
Analysis of Remote Sensing Monitoring in Sea Area around Macao , Pearl River Estuary
The flocculation of fine-grained sediments is one of the main reasons to cause the estuarine deposition .
Research of nonlinear wave-wave interaction in water with variable depth is rare . It is tremendously significant for studying nonlinear wave-wave interaction in the estuary and coastal zone .
We have done extensive research about a variety of phenomena in the process of wave propagation in the estuary and coastal zone , in comparison , the research about nonlinear wave-wave interaction is not enough .
The comparison and reduction ratio on the maximum scouring depth and scouring form of large-scale pier base between estuarial tidal and one-way steady flow are the basic foundations of decision , design and protection for related department .
Elementary Introduction of Analysis Method of Salinity in Estuary and Its Adjacent Waters
A 1-D Oxygen Hydrodynamic Model for the Southern Part of the Yangtze Estuary
Discussion on the Analysis Methods for Harbour Construction Conditions in Strongly Tidal Estuary Area
Analysis on the Net Transport of Current and Sediment in Tonggu Waters of Lingding Estuary
The nature of catchment-coast interactions means that changes of material fluxes will result in morphological , environmental , and ecosystem changes in the catchment areas , estuaries , and adjacent coastal waters .
A central view of tropical estuarine ecology is that export of organic matter from mangroves represents a major energy pathway and support much of the secondary production of estuaries and nearshore waters .
Therefore , the reclamation project is not only related to the rational utilization of land , but also related to the sustainable development of water resources in flood discharge of river course , siltation of estuary and water ecological environment .
Wetting and drying boundary condition in 3-D model was dealt with the idea of " wetting and drying method " in 2-D model , which ensures the simulation stability with longer time step and also widens the application area of 3-D model in shallow water zone .
A new method simulating the movement of dumped silt in open estuarine waters is developed and the movement process of dumped silt in the surrounding water body of Macao is numerically calculated by using a distributed point source diffusion model and a 2 D visco sediment mathematical model .
Based on nine hydrologic stations ′ data of spring , medium and neap tidal periods and fifty seven samples of sea bed surficial sediments collected in Tonggu Waters of Lingding Estuary during the river flood stage , this paper discusses the net transport trend of current and sediment .
Occurs in brackish waters of tidal creeks and river mouths , usually among mangroves .
Lagoon is one of the most important types of coastal wetlands , which is separated from open sea by sand spits , sandbars or barriers .
In fact , these iron-seeding experiments could backfire by producing toxic algal blooms or oxygen-depleted " dead zones , " such as the one created in the over-fertilized waters at the mouth of the Mississippi River .