
hé bà
  • river dam
  1. 雨季前夕,我们要加固河坝。

    We should reinforce the river embankment before the wet season .

  2. 这是由于它们的迁徙被越来越多的河坝阻挡了

    as its migration is impeded by ever more river dams .

  3. 川东北地区河坝构造岩石物理特征及工程应用研究

    Research on Rock Mechanical Characteristics and Engineering Application in Heba Structure Northeastern-Sichuan

  4. 某水电站栏河坝帷幕灌浆工程施工技术

    Construction Technigue for Grouting curtain Engineering of River Weir in Certain Hydropower station

  5. 河坝1井复杂地层钻井完井技术

    Drilling and Completion Techniques Employed while Drilling Complicated Formations in the Heba 1 Well

  6. 贵州省河坝公社地方性甲状腺肿及地方性克汀病的调查研究&碘代谢和垂体-甲状腺系统功能在碘监防治前后的变化

    A Survey of Endemic Goiter and Endemic Cretinism in Heba Commune of Guizhou Province SYSTEM

  7. 江西发生河坝决堤,数千人撤离家园。

    Thousands relocated after river bank bursts .

  8. 姚河坝水电站水轮机调节系统小波动稳定性分析

    The small fluctuation stability analysis of water turbine controlling system of Yao Heba power station

  9. 应用加权关联度分析评价我国碘缺乏病防治效果贵州省麻江县河坝公社地方性甲状腺肿用1/5万碘盐防治效果观察总结

    Comprehensive assessment on result from Chinese iodine deficiency disorders prevention cure effect by weighted incidence degree analyses

  10. 四川河坝异常高压气藏的产能方程及其计算

    Building up and calculation of a deliverability equation for Heba gas reservoir with abnormal high pressure in Sichuan basin

  11. 川东北河坝地区下三叠统储层精细研究与预测评价

    The Detailed Study and Predict Evaluation about the Lower Triassic Reservoir in Heba Region , Northeast of Sichuan Basin

  12. 石棉县大河坝自然铂矿床位于扬子地台西部边缘康滇南北基底隆起带上。

    The Daheba Pt deposit in Shimian county , SichuanProvince , is located in the NS-trending Kangdian basement uplift zone .

  13. 历史记忆与族群认同&麻江县河坝瑶族隔冬仪式的人类学考察

    Historical Memory And Ethnic Identity : An Anthropological Study of the Gedong Rites among the Heba Yao People in the County of MaJiang

  14. 在种植业方面,典型村粮食产量始终处于平缓变化,中山村增长幅度明显高于河坝村。

    On crop production , the grain yield of the typical village changes unobviously . The increasing degree of mountainside village is much more than that of valley village .

  15. 市区河坝水、自来水、公厕混合便、食品以及苍蝇、牛、羊、鸡等动物粪便中均未监测到腹泻病阳性菌株。

    Any kinds of positive diarrhea bacterias had not been inspected in the city rivers , drinking water , dejecta in toilet , food and the dejecta of animals in the district .

  16. 三角洲前缘亚相以小河坝且为代表,已鉴别出试状砂粒滩、礁间泥微相;

    The deltaic front was represented by the Xiaoheba Formation , in which four facies were recognized : front and sheet , reef , oolite ( bioclastic shoal ), inter-reef ( shoal ) mud .

  17. 在理论分析、原型资料分析的同时,进行了姚河坝水电站水库沉沙及闸首冲沙模型试验,对取消地下沉沙池的设想加以检验。

    Theory and prototype date are analyzed , at the same time the suppose that cancel underground clarification basin is proved by model test of Yao river dam power station reservoir drop sands and gate bay sweep away sands .

  18. “越大越好”,这似乎是人类思考的逻辑基础,无论是沙特皇室和他们千米高的国王塔,或是中国计划建造的大到能够减慢地球自转的河坝。

    Bigger is better . That 's the logic our species seems to function on , whether it 's the Saudi Royal family and their kilometer-high Kingdom Tower or China trying to build a dam so big it will literally slow the rotation of the Earth .