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  • petrodollars
  1. 中东的石油美元纷纷涌入中国和新加坡等国家。

    Middle East petrodollars are pouring into countries such as China and Singapore .

  2. 石油美元还为国际股票市场增加了流动性,一定程度上也助长了泡沫的产生。

    Petrodollars also increased the international stock market liquidity and , to some extent , contributed to the generation of foam .

  3. 经济改革、有利的全球环境和油价高企令该地区去年的实际GDP增幅达到6.5%,同时使该地区人均收入较2002年高出75%。此轮石油美元热潮始于2002年。

    A combination of economic reforms , a favourable global environment and high oil prices produced real GDP growth across the region of 6.5 per cent last year , bringing up average per capita incomes 75 per cent higher than 2002 , the first year of this petrodollar boom .

  4. 石油美元对全球国际收支平衡的影响

    How Does Oil Dollar Influence the Global Balance of Payments

  5. 石油美元对伊拉克经济的影响

    Influence of Petro - Dollars on Iraqi Economy

  6. 石油美元在华寻觅商机

    Oil Dollars Seek Business Opportunity in China

  7. 这些曾经被称作石油美元的资金造成了我们现在所说的全球失衡。

    These petrodollars , as they used to be called , create what are now called global imbalances .

  8. 试论石油美元体制对美国在中东利益中的作用

    Tentative Thoughts on the Role of the Oil - dollar Regime in the US Interests in Middle East

  9. 国际信贷的资金来源:传统资金来源,国家财政资金,欧洲货币,石油美元。

    Fund resources of international credit : traditional fund resources , national finance capital , Eurocurrency , Petrodollar .

  10. 通过本币升值,政府在兑换石油美元时得到的本币变少了。

    With stronger local currencies the state would get fewer dirhams , dinars or riyals for every petrodollar .

  11. 上世纪70年代石油美元再循环的一个教训是,股本投资比债务更具有可持续性。

    A lesson of the recycling of petrodollars in the1970s is that equity investments are more sustainable than debt .

  12. 沙特从未放弃过利用石油美元达成政治目的;这是该国主要的外交武器。

    The Saudis have never abandoned the use of petrodollars for political ends ; it is its principal diplomatic weapon .

  13. 虽然没有犯罪因素,但数十亿石油美元的神秘流向足可以引起阿瑟•柯南•道尔爵士的兴趣。

    THERE is no crime involved , but the mystery of the petrodollar billions is worthy of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle .

  14. 此外,石油美元的回流正驱动利率下降,为美国私人消费提供了难以持久的推动力。

    In addition , the recycling of petrodollars is driving down interest rates providing an unsustainable boost to US private consumption .

  15. 20世纪70年代就有一个经典案例,当时石油美元涌入国际资本市场并推动利率走低。

    A classic example came in the 1970s , when petrodollars flooded the international capital market and drove interest rates down .

  16. 20世纪70年代,随着中东产油国争取民族权益斗争的胜利,石油美元作为强有力的经济后盾开始显现。

    Petrol-Dollar has emerged as a strong economy support with victory in Oil-produced country who struggled for national benefit since 1970s ' .

  17. 中东国家(特别是石油美元丰富的国家)和一些拉美国家(特别是委内瑞拉)也对燃料实行补贴。

    Middle East countries , especially those rich in petrodollars , and some countries in Latin America notably Venezuela also subsidies their fuel .

  18. 市场上还有其它流动性来源:石油美元和那些储蓄过剩国家设立的主权财富基金。

    There were other sources of liquidity , too : oil money and sovereign wealth funds built up by countries with surplus savings .

  19. 石油美元流入全球金融体系,提高了流动性,推高了资产价格,而且帮助压低借贷成本。

    The flow of petrodollars into the global financial system boosted liquidity , spurred asset prices and helped to keep borrowing costs down .

  20. 海湾地区的石油美元被回收到了那些短视的拉美政府手中而不是到了美国荒凉边境上浪费的买房者手中。

    Gulf petrodollars have been recycled not to improvident governments in Latin America but instead to improvident homebuyers in the uncreditworthy fringes of America .

  21. 另一种可能的解释是,由于石油美元的存在和亚洲各国央行储备涌入美元资产,上述三个金融市场的信号正被扭曲。

    Another possible explanation is that the signals from all three financial markets are being distorted by petrodollars and Asian central bank reserves pouring into dollar assets .

  22. 在沙特这样一个石油美元十分充足的绝对君主国家里,国家与皇室的经济财政界线模糊,因此人们就认定,达成军火交易会付出丰厚的佣金。

    In an absolute monarchy flush with petrodollars , where the line between state and royal finances is blurred , arms deals are assumed to carry lucrative commissions .

  23. 由于原油以美元计价,且油价上涨创造的石油美元必须得到循环利用,在其它条件等同的情况下,油价走高便意味着美元走低。

    As oil is quoted in dollars , and higher oil prices create petrodollars that must be recycled , a higher oil price means a weaker dollar , all else being equal .

  24. 然而随着美元的持续贬值、“双赤字”问题以及“新特里芬悖论”等原因,“石油美元”体制日渐衰落。

    However , as the Dollar continuously depreciates and also due to some other factors such as Twin Deficits and New Triffin Dilemma , the Petro-Dollar system has been on the slide .

  25. 将这种分析应用到对将来的预测时,莫布森指出了两个新的资金来源亚洲各国央行和石油美元资产和两个新生的强大代理机构对冲基金和私人股本。

    Applying this analysis to the future , Mr Mauboussin pointed to two new sources of capital Asian central banks and petrodollar assets and two newly powerful agents hedge funds and private equity .

  26. 随着石油美元流入建筑和金融等行业,非石油部门引领着沙特经济不断增长。这些领域的年增长率达7%,同时强大的薪资上涨压力也已出现。

    The non-oil sector leads the Saudi economy , rising at 7 per cent annually as petrodollars trickle down into sectors such as construction and finance , which have also seen strong upward pressure on wages .

  27. 他表示,明年如果油价均值达到每桶78美元,加上似乎在从金融体系吸走流动性的其他趋势,流入这类投资的欧佩克石油美元可能降至1000亿美元以下。

    Next year , they could fall below $ 100bn if prices average $ 78 a barrel , he said , on top of other trends that seem to be sucking liquidity out of the ­ system .

  28. 虽说他是古今最聪明的人士之一,但他还感到他知道的只是九牛一毛。石油美元中仅有及其小的一部分资金用以打击恐怖主义,这无疑是九牛一毛。

    Although he was one of the wisest men that ever lived , yet he felt that he knew but very little . Only an imperceptible portion of petrodollars bankroll terrorism , which is anyway quite cheap .

  29. 石油美元概念的出现不仅仅指出了石油以美元计价这一现实,更暗含了美国对石油价格形成的影响力。

    The concept of petrodollar not only indicates the fact that international trade in oil transactions are mostly settled and priced in dollars , but also implies the influence of the United States on oil price formation .

  30. 中国对于美国实力和责任心的信任,以及仰仗美国军事保护的海湾国家所持有的石油美元,是美元全球地位的两大支撑。

    The faith of the Chinese in America 's power and responsibility , and the petrodollar holdings of the gulf countries that depend on US military protection , are the twin props for the dollar 's global status .