
A Probe on Material in Grotto Fresco and Colorful Rock Paintings
A Study on the Color of Dunhuang Cave 's Murals
Dunhuang Grottoes is a history showing with image , including abundant subjects .
Chinese ancient nomadic nation 's culture and the Dunhuang Caves ' murals art
A Study on the Multi-culture in the Murals of Qiuci Caves in Xinjiang
An Introduction to Mural Art s of Dunhuang Grottoes
Micro-Raman Identification of the Wall-painting Pigments in A-Er-Zhai
The Colour Structure of Kizil Grotto Frescoes
Research on Pigments of Kizil Grottoes
The Study of the Music-player and the Band Combining Form of Them in Kizil Grottoes Murals
Then we introduce the computer aided mural copy system and computer aided mural protection and restoration system .
As a part of the Qiuci Buddhism art , the kizil grotto has some characteristics of eastern and western arts .
Some of the content in Jin Shi bin are proved by artistic images in the murals of grottoes in Kucha .
The Fresco of Kizil Caves Represents the Art of Qiuci Grottoes , and the Ornamental is the Main Character of It ;
The study of Kizil grotto fresco is one of the basic subjects of fine arts history of Chinese western region & Buddhism .
The nude images on the murals in Kizil grottoes began to attract scholars attention in the1980s and they ve got many research results .
This paper is trying to Cave Paintings of this vector Qiuci the ancient religious and cultural aspects demonstrated , not only Qiuci Buddhist culture .
The architectural colored paintings had come into being since the period of grotto paintings , and matured from the Xia Dynasty to the Spring and Autumn Period .
Through collecting and sorting Dunhuang Caves mural landscape painting and the view landscape sceneries records , this text is to research each period landscape painting style of Dunhuarig mural .
The grotto murals in the Western Regions contain a lot of decorative patterns , including acanthus design , scroll design , lotus'design , rosette design and some other distinctive patterns .
From Dunhuang murals , we can trace all changes of eating and drinking gestures with changes of furniture to sit on and eat with such as eating beds , chairs , and desks .
Especially , the landscape painting and the view landscape sceneries of the earlier period , middle Dunhuang Caves mural provided the concrete image data of the precious Chinese earlier period landscape painting style .
This paper is of great significance in studying Chinese Buddhism as well as its culture and art , for it pays as much attention to the relevant literature as it dose to archaeological image .
River spread of Chinese culture for thousands of years , people were found in the continuous exploration of the many amazing history and culture , the Dunhuang murals and art is in our historical treasures .
We can grotto murals Qiuci to study the contents of Buddhist culture , and not only that , from the perspectives of history , we can grotto murals from Qiuci see Qiuci religious and cultural history of the development .
In Chinese drawing art , regardless of landscape painting or flower-and-bird painting , regardless of fine drawings or painting in the impresionistic manner , regardless of reel picture or rock cave mural , also all more or less has the cosmetic drawing language existence .
Study on Materials and Technics of Yuan Dynasty Wall-Painting in Dunhuang Grottoes
Qiuci caves in the murals can look for the oldest Qiuci culture .
In the frescoes and sculptures in these grottoes , the dancing figures are omnipresent .
Cave 95 in Mogao Grottoes and cave 27 in Yulin Grottoes have the most special wall-painting in Yuan Dynasty wall-painting of Dunhuang Grottoes and have a great deal of specificity in material and technics .