
  1. 企业法律顾问制度与企业文化建设

    Enterprise 's Law Consultant System and the Culture Construction of Enterprises

  2. 第四部分完善企业法律顾问制度。

    Part four is to improve the system of enterprise counsel .

  3. 我国国有企业法律顾问制度完善研究

    Complete Research on the Legal Consultant System of State-owned Enterprises

  4. 第四部分研究域外企业法律顾问制度及经验借鉴。

    Part IV of the system and outside corporate counsel experience reference .

  5. 对加强企业法律顾问制度建设的几点认识

    A Few Views for Strengthening Enterprise Law Adviser System Building

  6. 中国企业法律顾问制度构建研究

    Research on the Construction of Enterprise Law Consultant in China

  7. 第三部分剖析我国国有企业法律顾问制度在当下大环境中所存在的问题。

    The third part analyzes the state-owned enterprises and the development of the legal advisory system problems .

  8. 因此,研究如何完善我国企业法律顾问制度有重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。

    Therefore , it has great realistic meaning and profound historical significance to research how to improve this system .

  9. 20世纪90年代,我国开始将企业法律顾问制度建设提到重要议事日程。

    At the beginning of 1990s , the enterprise legal adviser system has been put on an important agenda in China .

  10. 在我国,与人力资源、财务管理等发展相对成熟的管理制度相比,企业法律顾问制度还是一项较新的制度。

    In our country , comparing with the human resources , the financial control and so on , enterprise legal advisor system is a new system .

  11. 建立健全企业法律顾问制度是促进企业依法经营管理、依法维护企业自身合法权益的有效措施,同时也是规范建立现代企业制度,发展和完善社会主义市场经济的根本要求。

    Establishing enterprise 's law consultant system is a useful measure in promoting legal operation of enterprises and protection of enterprises ' rights also a basic requirement of establishing modern enterprise system and developing and perfecting socialism market economy .

  12. 通过对企业法律顾问制度发展历程的回顾,结合对当前企业法律顾问工作面临的一些问题,提出了加强企业法律顾问工作及防范经营风险的对策。

    Reviewing the development of legal advisory system in enterprise and combining the problems existed in current legal advisory work , the corresponding countermeasures to strengthen legal advisory work in enterprise and prevent the enterprise from operating risk were put forward .

  13. 阐述了建立企业法律顾问制度的必要性,分析了企业法律顾问队伍的现状与存在的问题,指出建立企业法律顾问制度是提高企业管理水平的主要途径。

    Establishing legal advisory system is the foundation of the business management innovation . In this paper the present situation of law consultant in enterprises and existing problems are analyzed . Author points out that well-developed legal advisory system is the maim way to improve business management level .

  14. 但是,由于受到法制传统与法律文化等诸多因素影响,我国企业法律顾问制度建设相对西方发达国家而言实际效果仍不理想,成为我国企业升华管理水准的一项隐蔽性障碍。

    However , affected by many facters , include tradition of legality , culture of law , enterprise legal adviser system 's construction in China is not satisfying , compared with the western countries , which has been regarded as a hidden barricade for our enterprises to improve business management .

  15. 推行企业总法律顾问制度势在必行

    Establishing Enterprise 's General Law Consultant System is a Tendency

  16. 建筑企业如何建立法律顾问制度

    How to structure the system for corporation law-consultant in architecture business

  17. 中央企业呼唤企业法律顾问制度的完善

    Perfecting the Legal Consultant System for Enterprises which is Called for by State-owned Enterprises

  18. 作为现代企业制度的重要组成部分,企业法律顾问制度在发达的资本主义市场经济国家已经是大型企业普遍采用的一项重要管理制度。

    As the important part of the system of modern enterprise . Enterprise legal advisor system in developed capitalism market economy country , which has been used by major industry as an important control system .

  19. 依法治企是现代企业制度的核心和发展的关键,企业法律顾问制度应成为现代企业制度的有机组成部分。

    For this reason , we must develop the function of the enterprise legal consultant so that the system of the enterprise legal consultant becomes an organic part of our modern enterprise systems .

  20. 为增强国有企业的法律风险防范能力,保障国有资产的保值增值,国家率先在国有企业强势推行企业法律顾问制度具有重要意义。

    Therefore it is of great significance to enforce the implement of enterprise legal adviser system first in state-owned enterprises in order to improve their ability in prevention of legal risk and ensure preservation and appreciation of state assets .