
  1. 中国金融市场开放度&基于两类模型的比较研究

    Toward the Openness of China Financial Market & A Comparison between Two Models

  2. 中国证券市场开放度研究

    A Study of China Securities Market Opening

  3. 产品市场开放度对实际汇率动态调整的影响

    The influence of the product-market openness on the dynamic adjustment to the real exchange rate

  4. 信用数据的市场开放度低,缺乏个人信息的正常获取和检索途径;

    Low degree of opening of credit data market , lack of normal access to individual information ;

  5. 两市场开放度、成熟度、市场结构和交易机制的区别导致H股开盘阶段的信息揭示效率高于A股。

    Moreover , opening period was more information efficient for H shares than A shares due to the difference between two markets in market maturity , opening degree , market structure and trading mechanism .

  6. 一国是否选择金融混业经营,应根据其经济发展水平,金融市场开放度和法律制度的完善程度来进行选择。

    Whether a country selects financial mixed operation , the choice should be according to their economic development level , the openning level of financial markets and the improving level of the legal system .

  7. 我国加入WTO以来,我国市场对外开放度越来越大。

    Ever since China joined WTO , the opening degree of the market has been improved .

  8. 并宣称出口商可对外国市场的开放度放心。

    The organization also says exporters can feel secure about the openness of foreign markets .

  9. 但随着交通建设市场的开放度不断增强,多种所有制施工企业发展,交通建设施工市场逐渐出现供给能力过剩状况。

    With the increasing market permits in transportation construction field , the market is gradually becoming full as the multi-ownship companies'development .

  10. 改革开放以来,我国市场的开放度逐步加大,国内外市场竞争日益激烈,公司的内部管理制度也暴露出诸多问题。

    Since the reform and opening-up of China , domestic and foreign markets are competing intensely and firms ' internal management mechanism has emerged new problems continuously .

  11. 当前随着人民币自由兑换进程和资本市场对外开放度的提高,我国目前的汇率制度又一次面临着挑战和选择。

    Now with the push of RMB 's free exchange and capital market open-up , the exchange rate regime of our country is faced with challenge and choice for another time .

  12. 次级样本的分组检验结果表示,当经济发展水平、人力资本水平、金融市场效率和经济开放度不同时,FDI引致的R&D溢出效应存在较大差异。

    Grouped test of sub-samples shows that when the level of economic development , the level of human capital , financial market efficiency and economic openness are not the same , the R & D spillover effects due to FDI are quite different .

  13. 影响人民币国际化的四个主要经济因素归结为中国出口贸易规模占全球比重、对外投资额所占全球的比重、金融市场的发达与开放度及人民币币值的稳定性。

    Four factors affecting RMB internationalization are China 's export trade , global share of foreign investment , development and openness of financial market and the stability of the currency .

  14. 虽然中国对黄金交易如此重要,但其境内市场对国际投资者开放度有限,受到资本管制(不允许资金自由出入境)的限制。

    Although China is so important to the trade in gold , international access to its market is limited by capital controls that do not allow for the free flow of money in and out of the country .

  15. 文章同时指出,垄断或寡占竞争市场格局的形成取决于东道国市场的开放度以及竞争者之间的实力对比。

    So the conclusion of this article is the number of TNCs in the host country and the openness policy determine the market structure , the monopolistic or oligopolistic .

  16. 其中,宏观因素包括市场规模、信息技术发展水平、法律环境、市场开放度、服务业发展水平、语言及文化相容性、国家鼓励政策;微观因素考虑了劳动力成本、劳动力素质和企业规模与质量。

    Among them , the macroeconomic factors include market size , development level of information technology , legal environment , market openness , service development , language and cultural compatibility , the state incentives ; microeconomic factors include labor costs , labor quality and enterprise scale and quality .

  17. 其次,对比我国证券市场开放的收益和成本分析,在此基础上,构建了证券市场开放度的博奕模型。

    Secondly , the paper compares Chinese securities market opening benefit with corresponding cost , and accordingly constructs a game theory model for analyzing opening degree of Chinese securities market .

  18. 从封闭体系中的金融安全到金融市场全方位开放的金融风险,其中存在一个需要辩证思考的要素。这就是影响金融安全的重点要素&金融服务市场的开放度。

    Transition from a safe close-door finance system to an omnibearing opening finance market with many risks , there is a dialectical factor that we have to face up and that is critical to the security of finance , that is , the extent of opening our finance market .