
  • 网络Market Value Management;Market Capitalization Management
  1. 市值管理统一度量衡

    Market value management integrates weights and measures

  2. 市值管理的中心要义是实现价值信息在企业与资本市场之间流动的顺畅。

    The core of Market Value Management is to realize smooth flow of value information between companies and capital market .

  3. 本文指出,在基于经济增加值EVA为标准的价值创造管理框架内要从公司资产配置、业务流程、资本结构以及公司治理结构等几个方面对公司进行市值管理。

    The paper illustrates the value creation frame based on the EVA criterion should include the company asset allocation , business procedure , capital structure and company governance structure .

  4. 我国上市公司市值管理的必要性研究

    On the Necessity of Market Value Management of China Listed Companies

  5. 股票配股权的价值估计市值管理统一度量衡

    Valuation of stock allotment right Market value management integrates weights and measures

  6. 管理层股权激励作为市值管理的一种重要手段,也引起上市公司的重视。

    As an important means of Market value management , Managerial Ownership Incentive has caused the attention of listed companies .

  7. 市值管理是伴随我国股权分置改革发展起来的一种新兴管理思想。

    Market Value Management is a new management thought , which gradually developed along with the reform of non-tradable shares in China .

  8. 在理论分析中,阐述市值管理的含义与目标,进而分析影响市值管理的宏观与微观因素,理论上研究了由主业溢价、投资者关系管理、公司管理和价值经营构成的上市公司市值管理内容。

    Through the theoretical analysis , not only the definition and goal of market value management but also macro and micro factors that affect market value are analyzed .

  9. 论文以中国股权分置改革为背景,引入市值管理这一起源于西方经济的新兴管理理念。

    This essay , set in the context of the stock right reform in China , adopts the Market Capitalization Management concept ( MCM ) originated from the western economy .

  10. 但是,从目前的理论研究和实践经验来看,市值管理的研究尚处于起步阶段,市值管理发展成为一种成熟的理论还有很长的路要走。

    But , from the present theoretical study and practical experience , Market Value Management research is still in its infancy , and have a long way to go to form a mature theory .

  11. 首先对市值管理和管理层股权激励的概念进行定义,综述了相关理论。

    After defining the market value management and Managerial Ownership Incentive , the paper has a summary of the relevant theories about them , and then analyzes the difference before and after Market value management .

  12. 针对目前三一重工经营情况及资本市场环境,公司应从盈利能力、资本运作、投资者关系、公司治理等方面全面提升市值管理水平。

    Aimed at the management condition and capital market environment in SANY at present , company should upgrade the market management level roundly in such aspects as payoff ability , capital running , investor relations and corporation management etc.

  13. 面对如此动荡的股票市场,从微观的的上市公司管理,到中观的资本市场治理,再到宏观经济调控,都迫切需要研究市值管理问题。

    In the face of such turbulent stock market , the micro listed company management , the moderate capital market governance , and the macro economic regulation are all in an urgent requirement of studying the market value management ( MVM ) .

  14. 在借鉴市值管理三阶段价值创造、价值实现和价值经营划分的前提下,认为市值管理应当是一种目标导向的围绕关键价值驱动因素实现企业价值的管理机制。

    On the basis of borrowing three stages containing value creation , value realization and value operation , the article think that Market Value Management should be a goal-oriented management mechanism around driving factors of key value to realize the value of companies .

  15. 其次,然后对市值管理的基本理论和本文需要用到有关的市值评价模型进行阐述,并根据已有理论设计出三一重工的市值评价模型。

    Then , the basic theory of market value management and the value evaluation model used in this paper are illustrated . Both of them are used to design the value evaluation model for SANY Heavy Industry Co. , Ltd. according to the existing theory .

  16. 以市值计价符合风险管理技术的发展趋势。

    Marking to market was in line with developments in risk management techniques .

  17. 因此,市值,已经成为资本市场的新标杆;市值管理,则成为上市公司面临的一个新课题&对市值管理问题的研究具有重大的理论与实践意义。

    Therefore , market value has become the new benchmark of capital market ; the MVM has become a new task facing listed companies .