
  1. 当然,人民币持续升值也推动了投资客海外置业。

    Of course , the RMB appreciation also contributed to the investors to buy properties overseas .

  2. 洛杉矶成为了最受欢迎的海外置业城市,紧随其后的是旧金山和纽约。

    Los Angeles ranks as the most popular city to buy real estate , followed by San Francisco and New York .

  3. 投资者进行海外置业时应该考虑当地的市场情况、政府政策以及实际的经济效益。

    S.real estate market is already saturated and investors to buy properties overseas should be considered when local market conditions , government policies and the actual economic benefits .

  4. 洲联地产使客户在瞬息万变的市场上具有先行者优势,是海外置业者和投资者的首选。

    Continents Property is the first choice for the overseas property buyer and investor as we work hard to provide our clients with first-mover advantage in this fast-moving market .

  5. 巴西楼价仍然很低,并提供优质的海外房地产置业抑地点。

    Brazilian property prices are still very low and offer the overseas property buyer quality real estate in stunning locations .