
  1. 试论近代南方官话的形成及其地位

    Modern Southern Mandarin : Its Formation and Social Status

  2. 清中叶以来北京话的被动给及其相关问题&兼及南方官话的被动给

    Passive " Gei " in Peking Dialect since Mid-Qing Dynasty and Related Issues of Passive " Gei " in Southern Mandarin Chinese

  3. 如果说有,是北方官话还是南方官话?量刑指南是指导法官裁量刑罚的准则。

    Was it northern Mandarin or southern Mandarin if there was ? Sentencing guidelines are specific guidance for judges on how to make decisions in sentencing .

  4. 该文以北京话为主线,对清中叶以来7种京味儿作品中表使役的给进行了考察与分析,同时与3种南方官话作品的相应事实进行了比较研究。

    This paper aims at describing the imperative use of " Gei " in 7 literary works featuring Beijing flavor since the mid-Qing Dynasty on the basis of Beijing dialect , and making a comparison with their corresponding events in 3 works written in the Southern official dialect .