
luó mǎ huà
  • Romanization
  1. 军队在罗马化过程中的作用

    On the roles of the Roman army during the process of Romanization

  2. 关于小比例尺地图上我国地名罗马化的几点设想

    On the Romanization of Geographical Names in China as Adopted on Small Scale Maps

  3. 北京地名罗马化拼写的谬误

    Absurd spellings in Roman letters of placenames at present in Beijing

  4. 军队是征服、平定西部行省和西部行省罗马化过程中一个重要的工具。

    The army was a vital instrument in the conquest and Romanization of western provinces .

  5. 多语世界的单一罗马化&我国街道名称译写规范的法理依据

    " Single-Romanization " in a Multilingual World & Standardization in Romanizing Street Names in China

  6. 意大利半岛的罗马化进程

    The Romanization in the Italian Peninsula

  7. 昔兰尼是锡拉岛希腊人的殖民地,是希腊最主要的城市之一,它当时已经完成了罗马化。

    A colony of the Greeks of Thera , Cyrene was one of the principal cities in the Hellenic world .

  8. 中文数据库检索技术研究的一项新内容&兼谈《美国国会图书馆拼音转换计划:新汉语罗马化准则》的诞生及其主要内容

    A New Content of the Searching Technology Research of the Chinese Databases : Concurrently Giving Attention to Library of Congress Pinyin Conversion Project : New Chinese Romanization Guidelines

  9. 论罗马帝国城市化的历史作用

    On The Role of Urbanism in Roman Empire

  10. 在于重视罗马法学家及其理论化的法学思想。

    Lies in valuing the Roman jurists and their theoretical law idea .

  11. 第一章对共和晚期的时代背景进行了简要的介绍,突出这一时期是罗马帝国元首制和罗马军队职业化的成型时期,酝酿着此后数百年间罗马帝国的政治和军事制度。

    There are three chapters , the first chapter introduces the background of Rome in the Late Republic . It is an important era which the professional Roman army and the Principate system were coming into existence .

  12. 在不列颠作为庞大的罗马帝国的一个行省的近四百年时间里,由于罗马化程度不断加深,文明水平不断提高,与帝国其他地区的经济、文化交流也更为频繁。

    Britain existed as a province of the great empire for nearly four centuries , during which the Romanization developed and its civilization progressed , and the cultural exchanges and economic interaction between it and the other parts of the empire became more common .

  13. 罗马军队是传播罗马文明的重要载体,对推动行省和边界地区的罗马化起到了直接或间接的作用。

    The Roman army acted as a media of spreading the Roman civilization , and played direct or indirect roles during the process of romanization in the provinces and frontier areas .

  14. 第三部分分别论述了海外殖民地在罗马军事扩张中的促进与稳定作用,在帝国经济发展上的带动作用以及在罗马化进程上的推动作用。

    The third part analyses the colonies ' effects on Roman military expansion , which contains promotion and consolidation ; on Roman economic development and on Romanization .

  15. 早期罗马帝国辅军是帝国武装部队的重要组成部分,是征服和维护帝国疆域、促进边疆发展和罗马化的重要力量。

    As one important section in the army of early Roman Empire , auxiliaries played a key role in the conquest and defense of territory as well as the development and Romanization of the border areas .