
  1. 罗斯受洗是拜占廷对罗斯长达百年的宗教外交的产物,更是罗斯自己选择的结果。

    Rus being baptized is not only a product of Byzantine religious diplomacy but also a result of Rus ' choice .

  2. 俄国从十世纪罗斯受洗以降,未能像西欧那样经历文艺复兴、启蒙运动的世俗化过程,因而保持了早期基督教的主要文化特征。

    Since the Baptism of Rus in the 10th century , Russia had not gone through the process of secularization as Western Europe had in the Renaissance and Enlightenment , and therefore preserved such cultural features as those of the early Christianity .