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  • Saint worship
  1. 论中世纪晚期英国的圣徒崇拜

    Analysis of the Cult of Saint in the Late Medieval England

  2. 论公元4-9世纪拜占廷帝国圣徒崇拜

    An Analysis of the Cult of Saint in Byzantine Empire in the Fourth to Ninth Centuries

  3. 第三章在中世纪晚期,英格兰的圣徒崇拜已经发生了变化。

    Chapter Three Something new has happened in the cult of saint in the late medieval England .

  4. 圣徒崇拜具有互惠与双向性,其功能可以广泛地分为普遍的帮助、庇护与政治功能。

    This may be broadly grouped under the headings of universal assistance , patronage , and political functions .

  5. 摘要在中世纪晚期,英国的圣徒崇拜盛行,成为民众宗教信仰的中心。

    In the late medieval england , the cult of saint is popular as the center of popular religion .

  6. 民众具有自己的圣徒崇拜观念,并通过利用圣徒的名字、誓约、朝圣等方式求助于圣徒。

    The popular pray the saints for help by using the saints ' names , making the promise , going pilgrimage , and so on .