
  1. 南门村424号杨桂云,男,50岁左右,食道癌。

    South Gate Village , 424 Yanggui Yun , M , 50-year-old , esophagus .

  2. 根据我所知道的情况,我们南门村绝对没有这么多人得癌症。

    As far as I know , we have so many people south gate of the village never get cancer .

  3. 南门村450号王秀根,男,他与住在南门村462号的弟弟王世根都死于肺癌。

    South Gate Village , 450 Xiu-roots , man , he lived in South Gate Village , the younger brother of No.462 Shi-roots died of lung cancer .

  4. 八年来,他眼见南门村小河里鱼虾绝种、水藻枯死,更目睹了村民们患病的痛楚。

    Eight years , he saw a small river south gate of the village fish species , algae dead , more sick villagers witnessed the pain and suffering .

  5. 南门村467号吕晨曦,男,7岁,结节性硬化症;王博乐,女,2岁,白血病。

    South Gate Village , 467 Lu at dawn , male , 7 years old , tuberous sclerosis ; Wang Bole , female , 2 years old , leukemia .

  6. 对于吕伟明和南门村的其他村民来说,疾病带来的苦难还远不会结束,而他们漫长的维权之路,才刚刚开始。

    Lvwei Ming and the south gate of the village for other villagers , the disease , the suffering far will not end , and their long road to rights protection , has only just begun .