
  • 网络trademark use
  1. 网上商标使用行为对商标权的取得和维持具有重要意义;

    On-line trademark use behaviors matter a great deal to the obtaining and maintenance of trademark rights .

  2. 第三部分首先将商标使用范围进行初步定义,判断其本质属性。

    The third part begins with the preliminary definition of scope of trademark use , and judging of its essentials .

  3. 第七条商标使用的文学、图形或者其组合,应当有显著特征,便于识别。

    Article 7 . Any word , device or their combination that is used as a trademark shall be so distinctive as to be distinguishable .

  4. 十一家全球赞助商(称为顶级奥运合作伙伴,即TOP)向国际奥委会支付大笔金钱以获取奥运商标使用权。

    Eleven global sponsors ( known as top Olympic partners , or TOPs ) pay fat sums to the IOC for the right to use the Olympic brand .

  5. 任何经允许之使用必须符合CreativeCommons之现时商标使用方针,该方针将于其网站发布或应要求而随时提供。

    Any permitted use will be in compliance with Creative Commons'then-current trademark usage guidelines , as may be published on its website or otherwise made available upon request from time to time .

  6. 其实早在林书豪2月13日提出商标使用权申请的好几天前,两名加州男子已经分别提出了将Linsanity注册为商标的申请。

    According to the document , Lin filed his application on Feb. 13 , several days after two California men entered the cash-in derby to trademark Linsanity .

  7. 对未注册商标使用权法律保护的深层思考

    On the Legal Protection of the Right to Use Non-registered Trademarks

  8. 我国乡镇企业商标使用对策研究

    A Strategic Study of the Use of Trademark in National Township Enterprises

  9. 要保留证据,与代理商签订商标使用相关合同。

    To preserve evidence , signing a trademark related contracts and agents .

  10. 商标使用权的价值评估

    Value Evaluation for the Usufruct of Trade Mark

  11. 企业商标使用策略研究

    Business Data On the strategy of trademark usage

  12. 注册商标使用许可情形下的侵权问题

    Problems of infringement under the permission of the use of the registered trade marks

  13. 第六章商标使用的管理

    Chapter VI. Administration of the Use of Trademarks

  14. 同样,被许可方也不得利用任何印有不当商标使用的包装。

    Similarly , a licensee should not be permitted to utilize any packaging bearing improper trademark usage .

  15. 商标使用中的不正当竞争行为是损害商标权人利益和有害竞争秩序的行为,因而它是反不正当竞争法规范的行为之一。

    It is one of the acts that should be standardized in the law of anti-improper competition .

  16. 但唯冠(深圳)公司声称该公司仍然保留在中国大陆的商标使用权。

    However , Proview Shenzhen claims it still reserves the right to use the trademark on the Chinese mainland .

  17. 已经作为药品通用名称的,该名称不得作为药品商标使用。

    Those names that have become the generic names of pharmaceuticals shall not be used as trademarks of pharmaceuticals .

  18. 歌手敦提辩护说他没有将自己的艺名提供给避孕套商标使用。

    Dundee , whose real name is Puntiva Poomiprates , defended lending his stage name to the condom brand .

  19. 第二章主要论证了商标使用是商标维持注册条件的正当性基础。

    In the second chapter , we mainly demonstrate why the trademark use is the condition of maintaining a trademark registration .

  20. 它还缩短了与汤姆逊签署的20年商标使用许可协议,并缩小了两家公司间转包协议的规模。

    It has also cut short a 20-year licence agreement with Thomson and scaled back a subcontracting agreement with the French company .

  21. 第六条商标使用人应当对其使用商标的商品质量负责。

    Any user of a trademark shall be responsible for the quality of the goods in respect of which the trademark is used .

  22. 邵武市“振洁”牌茶薪菇已获国有A级绿色食品商标使用权。

    The brand " Zheng Jie " tea material edible fungus has got the right of use of national grade-A green food brand .

  23. 在一份更为详细的商标使用清单中,林的申请范围更是从公仔,饮料杯套,到背包图案通通囊括其中,无所不包。

    In a detailed listing of goods , the filing seeks to protect its use on everything from action figures to beverage sleeves and backpacks .

  24. 这不仅是为了保护在先商标使用人的合法权益,也是为了保护消费者的合法权益。

    It not only protects the prior trademark use of the legitimate rights and interests , but also protects the legitimate rights and interests of consumers .

  25. 彼得兔系列图书不存在商标使用行为,并未侵犯商标权。

    There are not the action of using trademark in Peter Rabbit books , so Peter Rabbit books don 't infringe the rights under a mark .

  26. 对已注册的商品,以同一或类似性商标使用于商品或服务,即构成对商标的侵权。

    A mark used in respect of goods and services that is substantially identical with or deceptively similar to a registered trade mark will be an infringement .

  27. 通过论述未注册商标使用权的权利性质,指出未注册商标使用权是一项合法的民事权利。

    By stating the nature of the right to use non-registered trademarks , this paper points out that the right to use non-registered trademarks is a lawful civil right .

  28. 美国是一个注重商标使用理念的国家,其联邦商标法的制定就是建立在宪法的贸易条款这一基础之上的。

    America is the country of emphasizing the concept of usage , and the enaction of its trademark law is based on the " Trade Terms " of Constitution .

  29. 商标使用许可合同未在商标局备案的,不得对抗善意第三人。

    Where the trademark license contract fails to filed with the Trademark Office for the record , the said contract shall not be used against any bona fide third party .

  30. 下表列出了目前登记的政党在选票上,任何注册商标使用,注册的缩写名称,包括第三方网站的链接。

    The following table lists current registered political parties , any registered abbreviated name for use on ballot papers , any registered logo , and includes links to party websites .