
  • 网络Commercial rights;commerce power
  1. 面向21世纪,它正努力培植创新发展的生命体以及重新架构新型商权。

    Facing 21st century , it is making great efforts to cultivate innovative life entities and structure new-type trade right .

  2. 论网络服务商的著作权侵权&中美比较研究

    On Copyright Infringement by Network Service Provider & Comparison between USA and China

  3. 该算法对于发电商参与发电权交易具有一定的参考价值和指导作用。

    Power producers can use the proposed algorithm as a reference for trading generation rights .

  4. 税收不平等对商主体平等权的危害及克服

    On the Harm of Taxation Imparity to Legal Equality of the Commercial Subjects and Overcoming

  5. 来源于宪法性权利的商主体平等权可以构成对税收不平等危害的合理阻却。

    Legal equality of the commercial subjects from the constitutional right may reasonably retard the harm of taxation imparity .

  6. 在建设社会主义市场经济的当代中国,侵害商主体商誉权的案件经常发生。意志是第一性的,理性则是由意志派生出来的,理性命定为意志服务。

    In the contemporary China that is developing the socialism market economy , it usually occurs the infringement of the right of good-will of commercial bodies .

  7. 本文对发电权交易提出了方案设计和数学模型,对相关模型进行了数学仿真并对所得结果进行了研究和分析,对于今后发电商参与发电权交易市场具有一定的指导意义和实用价值。

    This paper proposes project designs or mathematical models on generation rights trade . The study has directive significances and practical values on hydro-corporations ' accessing the power market .

  8. 徽商的资本构成具有鲜明的公有产权和模糊产权属性,客观上为徽商的宗族控制权与商帮控制权集中统一提供了现实基础。

    Hui business capital composition featured with public-owned property and ambiguous property rights , objectively working as real basis for the centralization and unification of Hui family and business power .

  9. 股权融资还要求自愿与投资商分享经营管理权。

    Equity financing also requires a willingness to share management control with the investors .

  10. 沿海地区对外商出让土地使用权的现状

    Compensated transfer of land in the coastal area

  11. 如果农行股票在价格区间的上限售出,且承销商触发相关选择权、将上市规模扩大15%,农行将从香港上市筹资高达130亿美元,并从上海上市筹资100亿美元。

    Agricultural Bank stood to raise as much as $ 13bn in Hong Kong and another $ 10bn in Shanghai , if the shares sold at the top of the price range and underwriters on the deal triggered options to increase the offering 's size by 15 per cent .

  12. 同时本文认为在询价阶段赋予主承销商股票分配权力和赋予主承销商超额配售选择权将会有效提高询价的质量。

    Also this paper has considered that it will improve the efficient of inquiry system by endowed the principal underwriters with power to allocate stocks and over-allotment option .