
  1. WTO教育规则对各成员国的教育立法与政策产生了重要的影响。

    WTO Educational rules impacts its members ' educational legislation and policy .

  2. WTO教育服务规则与重庆高等教育发展对策研究

    Research on the WTO Education Service Rules and the Countermeasures for Higher Education Development of Chongqing

  3. 政府应当成为高等教育市场规则的创立者,市场运行的服务者和规制者。

    The role of the government in the market should be that of the rule-maker , service provider and regulator .

  4. 我们认为这种培育应当采用公权力推动模式,通过公民教育、规则改革和在公共事务中示范等主要方式展开。

    We consider that this training should be a total power-driven , through civic education , the rules reform and the demonstration in public affairs mainly .

  5. 第一部分:WTO中的教育服务市场规则。

    Part I : WTO 's Rules of Education Service Market .

  6. 在服务贸易规则中,包括教育服务贸易规则。

    It includes Education Service Trade regulation in Service Trade .

  7. 大学生思想政治教育应加强规则意识的培养

    Ideological and Political Education Should Strengthen the Rule-awareness

  8. 新技术正在改写教育式样的生成规则。

    The new technology is changing the principle of educational-mode creation .

  9. 现代远程教育试点:旧规则制约新行为

    Exploration of Modern Distance Education : Old Rules Restrict the New Actions

  10. 德性教育并非完全否定规则教育,而是在规则教育基础上的超越。

    Virtue education surpasses but not completely denies rule education .

  11. 文化安全视野下的跨国高等教育质量保证:规则与控制

    Quality Assurance of International Higher Education from the Perspective of Cultural Security : Rule and Control

  12. 提出要坚持科学发展,按照教育的规律和规则,确保卫生职业教育质量。

    To put forward how to keep the scientific development and guarantee the quality of health vocational education according to its law and rules .

  13. 教育者僵化的规则意识使得教育者自己成为学生规则的制定者、灌输者与监督者,忽略了学生主体性的发挥;

    Educator 's rigid regular consciousness make educators become formulation person , inculcator and supervisor , and neglect the full play of students ' entity .

  14. 因而应谨慎采用机动车交通信号灯倒计时装置,并应辅以绿灯间隔时间调整、交通安全宣传教育和明确交通规则等措施。

    So , the timing signal should be set cautiously with the aid of other measures such as adjusting the interval duration , propaganda of traffic safety and rules .

  15. 通过从三个层面对九种教育法律关系的规则设计,笔者力图为教育法律法规伦理问题的解决提供一些展望和构想。

    Above all , this research tries to provide some vision and ideas for the ethical problems of the education laws and regulations through the designation of three levels and nine kinds of educational relationship .

  16. 高职教育要按照教育经济学的规则,这不仅是提高教育效益的需要,也是学校内涵发展、科学发展的需要。

    Higher vocational education must be in compliance with the rules of educational economics , which is not only for the need of improving education benefit but also the development of our college .

  17. 然而教育权利伦理作为人们行使教育权利规则的一个门类,至今还很少有人研究。

    Though education rights ethic is regarded as a subject of practicing education rights , rare people have studied on it .

  18. 本文首先就教育服务贸易的基本理论进行介绍和分析,解读教育服务贸易规则和我国对教育服务承诺。

    The article analyzes on the basic side of educational service trade at first , and introduces the educational service trade rules and China 's opening commitment to WTO .

  19. 教育如此重要,规范和约束教育活动、保障教育活动有序展开的教育法律法规则堪称关键。

    Since the education is so important , the education laws and regulations must be more critical to the protection and regulation of educational activities .

  20. 高等教育市场的组成要素包括:教育产品、教育资源、教育消费、教育生产、教育市场规则等。

    The market of higher education consists of educational products , educational resources , educational consumption , educational production , and educational market rules , etc.

  21. 当前,我国农民没有享受均等的受教育机会,这是城乡义务教育经费投入主体不同、教育条件的差异和高等教育招生规则的不同等共同作用的结果。

    Presently , peasants in our country have not enjoyed equal opportunity of education , which is together affected by the difference of the main body who puts funds to compulsory education in city and countryside , the difference of educated condition and rules of the enrollment in higher education .

  22. 论文研究了教育的经济属性和产业特性,得出了教育产业是特殊产业,具有多重属性,其不同组成部分在不同环境下遵循政治、经济、教育规律规则的程度不同的结论。

    The paper has studied the economic property and industry characteristics of education and reached the conclusion that education industry is a special industry with multiple properties and its different components follow political , economic and educational laws and principles to different extent in different circumstances .