
  • 网络Teaching Style;Teaching Spirits
  1. 体育教风是提高学校体育质量的关键。

    The teaching style of physical education is the key to improve the quality of school'sphysical education .

  2. 高职教育呼唤以教风建设带动学风建设

    Vocational College Calls for the Construction of Teaching Style Drive the Style of Study

  3. 学校管理的教育功能初探&兼谈教风建设

    Discussion on the Function of School Management in Respect to Education

  4. 军队医学专业技术院校教风建设的思考

    Thought of teaching atmosphere construction of military medical college MEDICAL SCIENCE

  5. 践行教风建设倡导五个一活动

    Fulfilling the construction of teaching ethics , proposing the 5-one 's activity

  6. 切实加强教风学风建设着力提高教育质量

    To Strengthen the Establishment of Teaching Atmosphere to Improve the Quality of Education

  7. 僧侣戒行不严,教风不正,思想混乱。

    Monks from teaching , do not to be lax , were ideological confusion .

  8. 考风不仅集中反映了学校的学风,也反映了教员教风。

    Disciplines in exam reflect the style of learning and teaching in a school .

  9. 教风建设是提高教学质量的一个关键环节。

    The teaching ethics construction is one of the feeble aspects that hampers education quality .

  10. 民办高职院校构建和谐校园背景下的学风、教风、校风建设

    Construction of School Spirit and Style of Teaching and Study in Private Higher Vocational Colleges

  11. 教风对大学生思想政治品德的影响初探

    Inquiring into the Influence of Teaching Ethics on the Contemporary Students ' Ideological and Political Moral

  12. 大学校风作为一种教育现象,是一种稳定的、潜移默化的教育力量,也是一种无形的法规,体现在学风、教风、和作风三个方面。

    As a phenomenon of education school climate is a steady educational power and intangible regulation .

  13. 转变作风,端正教风;

    Rectify the teaching style .

  14. 良好的教风对良好学风、校风的形成具有不可替代的影响。

    Good teaching style has an irreplaceable impact in the formation of good studying atmosphere and school climate .

  15. 论高校党风廉政建设与和谐校园建设论高等学校学风、教风和考风的建设

    On the Construction of Party Style and Clean Government and the Harmonious Campus of the Institutions of Higher Learning

  16. 实践表明,这对良好教风学风的形成具有较为明显的效果。

    Practice proves that it has an positive effect on the development of good style of teaching and study .

  17. 在大学教风建设中教师是最关键的,应通过提高教师的内在素质和人格魄力促进教风建设。

    All of them , inner quality and Charisma of teachers should be improved which are the most important .

  18. 教师团队形成了“求实、求新、求精、求博”的优良教风。

    Team of teachers formed a " truth-seeking , novelty , refinement , seeking Bo " good teaching style .

  19. 团队精神培育与教风学风建设相结合;

    To link the cultivation of team spirit with the construction of the style of teaching and style of study ;

  20. 突破难点,深化教学方法、考试方法的改革,加强教风学风建设;

    To breakthrough the difficulty and deepen reform of teaching and test methods for the construction of the teaching and studying styles ;

  21. 形成优良的校风、教风和学风,营造培养学习能力的良好氛围。

    To form a fine school spirit , teaching spirit and learning spirit to construct a favorable atmosphere for cultivating study ability .

  22. 它对学生能起到身心双育的功能,对提高高校精神文明,确立良好的校风、教风、学风起着重要的促进作用。

    It benefits the students both physically and mentally and helps promote ethical progress , campus climate , teaching and learning attitudes .

  23. 端正教风,以教风促学风,促进教学质量的提高。

    Take a correct attitude towards the style of teaching to urge the style of study , promote the improvement of teaching quality .

  24. 加强考试管理,抓好教风、学风以及考风建设,是提高考试管理水平、教育教学质量的重要保证。

    We should strengthen the administration of examinations and correct the unhealthy tendencies in order to guarantee the improvement of teaching and learning quality .

  25. 学校文化中的价值取向以及学校的教风、学风、校风等对教师专业发铺具有极其强烈的聚合和辐射作用。

    The value orientation , the style of teaching , the style of study and the school spirit also influence the teacher 's professional development .

  26. 本文从教育管理学、德育论、教育学等学科角度,探讨教风、学风、校风的相互关系及建设性视角。

    This paper , based on the study of educational administration , moral education and education , explores their interrelation and presents a constructive perspective .

  27. 对教风学风校风建设的理性思考

    Rational Reflection on the Construction of Teaching Atmosphere , Academic Discipline and School Spirit The Investigation and Analysis of Conditions of Learning Style in NIAT

  28. 师德是校园精神文化的重要组成部分,是高校促进良好校风、教风形成的关键。

    Teachers'morality is an important part of campus spiritual culture , and also the key of forming good school spirit and the style of teaching .

  29. 切实加强党的作风建设营造以党风促教风以教风带学风的良好氛围

    Further Improving Communist Party 's Work Style Constructing an Atmosphere of Improving Party 's Style of Work to Promote Teaching Morale thus to Advance Learning Activities

  30. 科学、合理、严格的考试制度有利于营造良好的考风,有利于推动学风和教风建设。

    So a scientific , reasonable and strict examination system is advantageous to construct good discipline in exam and help improve the style of learning and teaching .