
jiào yuán
  • teacher;instructor
教员 [jiào yuán]
  • (1) [teacher]∶以教书为职业的人

  • 本地中学的教员

  • (2) [instructor]∶从事教学的人

教员[jiào yuán]
  1. 他受聘为该校的教员。

    He hired out as a teacher with the school .

  2. 教员正在发第一份考卷&化学。

    The teacher is handing out the first paper-chemistry .

  3. 布什基金会已经资助了许多教员发展项目。

    The Bush Foundation has funded a variety of faculty development programs

  4. 往届学生对课程内容与教员全是赞扬之词。

    Previous students have had nothing but praise for the course content and staff

  5. 教员要承担三重责任:教学、研究与服务。

    For the faculty , there exists the triad of responsibilities : teaching , research , and service .

  6. 那位正式教员回来了,对吗?”“好哇,那我就算解脱了。”

    " the regular teacher is back , isn 't he ?"" good , that lets me out !"

  7. 同样,明星教员并不总是在你期望的地方出现。

    Likewise , star faculty is not always found where you 'd expect .

  8. 有钱的大学大肆宣扬它们的名声带给毕业生的好处:即强大的校友网、明星教员以及简历提升。

    Wealthy universities talk up the benefits their name will give graduates : namely , strong alumni networks , star faculty , and a r é sum é boost .

  9. 但是,就像美国其他大学的很多教师一样,普渡大学的教员们也怀疑自己作为教育者的工作是否能用“学习成果”,例如毕业生的研究和推理能力来衡量。

    Yet like many college teachers around the U.S. , the faculty remain doubtful that their work as educators can be measured by a " learning outcome " such as a graduate 's ability to investigate and reason .

  10. 也许会。好吧,所以猫也许不会成为美国最重要的研究型大学的物理学教员。

    Maybe . Okay , so cats may not be the next physics faculty members at America 's most important research universities .

  11. 教员们对工作松松垮垮。

    The instructors were slacking on the job .

  12. 一个不称职的教员把青年人的思想弄得贫乏枯竭起来了

    An incompetent teacher sterilizes the young mind .

  13. 以上图为例,教员将把选项c视为您的新答案。

    In the example above the instructor will assume you have selected option C as your new answer .

  14. 作为一名顾问和教员,我注意到很多公司和开发人员在采用XML技术时总是重复同样的错误。

    As a consultant and trainer , I have noticed that many companies and developers make the same mistakes when they adopt XML technology .

  15. 这个月,5名教员在思科认证网络学院(CiscoCertifiedNetworkingAcademy)完成了为期2周的强化强化培训。

    This month , five instructors completed two weeks of intensive training known as the Cisco Certified Networking Academy .

  16. 1987年,他成为芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)的一名教员,但将自己描述成一个三心二意的学者,因为他同时还兼职做咨询工作。

    In 1987 , he joined the faculty at the University of Chicago but describes himself as a distracted academic who did consulting on the side .

  17. 学员和教员的网络化身在3D虚拟社区复制了真实世界的活动,参与者不必真正亲自到场能够感觉自己身临其境。

    Avatars of students and faculty have been replicating real-world activities in a three-dimensional virtual community where participants can feel they are present without really having to be there .

  18. (glorified:美其名的scienceteacher:理科教员)你说他是被捧出来的高中理科老师。(experiment:试验lighting:点燃fart:屁)还说他上一次成功的试验是点燃了自己的屁。

    Leonard : Well , you did call him a glorified high school science teacher whose last successful experiment was lighting his own farts . -

  19. ft研究排名:根据教员在40种国际学术和专业期刊上发表文章数量来计算。

    FT research rank this is calculated according to the number of faculty publications in 40 international academic and practitioner journals .

  20. 比赛当晚,营销教员与凯洛格市场营销俱乐部(kelloggmarketingclub)的会员齐聚校园,一边观看比赛,一边用一套严格的学术标准给广告商打分。

    Marketing faculty and members of the Kellogg marketing club convened on campus last night to watch the event and to rate the advertisers using a set of strict academic criteria .

  21. 与此同时,利物浦约翰摩尔斯大学(liverpooljohnmooresuniversity)的教员利用本周的毕业典礼提出抗议,反对该校在改革其语言学院的过程中减少中文教学课程。

    Meanwhile , staff at Liverpool John Moores University used graduation ceremonies this week to protest against the cutting of Chinese studies as part of a reform of its language school .

  22. 教员通常都由地区总监或扶轮领导学院(RLI)领导人所推荐。

    Faculty members are recommended by district governors and district RLI leaders .

  23. 课程的教员们“让你做一切疯狂的事情来突破自身”,巴菲特在HBO频道的新纪录片《成为沃伦?巴菲特》(BecomingWarrenBuffett)中说。

    The instructors on the course " made you do all these crazy things to get out of ourselves , " Mr Buffett says in the new HBO documentary Becoming Warren Buffett

  24. 我们需要的是一种新型的和平队(peacecorps)来自中美两国的大学教员、学生和商业领袖组成的“企业家队”(entrepreneurialcorps),与非洲创业者结成合作伙伴关系。

    What we need is a new type of Peace Corps , an " entrepreneurial corps " of faculty , students and business leaders from both China and the US in partnership with African entrepreneurs .

  25. 在新加坡,SP贾殷可以自行确定收费标准(每年大约2.5万美元,而在孟买的收费只有1万美元)。此外,该校还可以自主招聘教员、确定教员薪资,课程设置也完全自主。

    In Singapore , SP Jain can set its own fees ( about $ 25,000 annually compared with $ 10,000 in Mumbai ), hire and pay faculty freely and have complete control over its curriculum .

  26. 他的妻子塔拉•贝内特-戈尔曼(TaraBennett-Goleman)是个神经治疗师兼教员,也曾写了一本神经科学方面的畅销书。

    His wife , Tara Bennett-Goleman , is a psychotherapist and teacher who has also written a popular neuroscience bestseller .

  27. 这样做的好处是,如果教员已做好准备集中时间完成教学任务&新MBA课程要求学员通过工作坊一周五天进行学习,教员进行长期研究所需的时间就有了保障。

    The trade-off has been that if faculty are prepared to fulfil their teaching requirements in intensive bursts - in the new MBA curriculum participants are required to study in five-day workshops - this frees up time for protracted periods of research .

  28. SAMLUTOMIA:“我开始与伯克里音乐学院的学生和教员讨论,他们的反应都非常积极。后来我们就开始收集乐器。”

    SAM LUTOMIA : " I started talking with students at Berklee College of Music and members , and they all responded . And we started collecting instruments . "

  29. 系统采用Browser/Server体系结构,选取SqlServer2000作为系统的后台数据库,具有飞行学员基本信息管理、飞行教员基本信息管理、飞行时间管理、飞行科目管理、系统管理等功能。

    The system utilizes Browser / Server architecture and select SQL Server 2000 as the back-end database . Its functions includes basic information management of student pilots , basic information management of flight instructors , flight hours management , flight subjects management and system management .

  30. 关于建立继续教育的要求批准教员,MSHA表示,它已要求NIOSH审查的效力,这样的要求。

    Regarding establishing continuing education requirements for approved instructors , MSHA indicated that it has asked NIOSH to review the effectiveness of such requirements .