
  1. 这样远程教育才能越走越好!

    So long-range education talent walk the more the more good !

  2. 大学生的良好人格必须经过一定的人格教育才能确立。

    University students ' good personality can be established through personality education .

  3. 只有这样的一种教育才能叫做对社会有价值的教育。

    Onlysuch a type of education can be called valuable to society .

  4. 因此,唯有不断改善道德教育才能彻底落实反腐。

    So , only by promoting moral education can we overcome corruption thoroughly .

  5. 因为只有教育才能加速我们的进步。

    Because only education will accelerate our evolution .

  6. 只有这样,民办高等教育才能真正走上健康、可持续发展的道路。

    Only in this way can our private higher education obtain healthy and sustainable development .

  7. 也只有在相互交流当中,我国的教育才能得到发展。

    The education in our country can get rapid development only through the mutual exchange .

  8. 惟有这样,教育才能实现它自身的价值&人类生存。

    Only in this way can education realize its value & the existence of human beings .

  9. 大学预科只有作为一门学科来建设,预科教育才能有旺盛的生命力和发展后劲。

    Preparatory college education can develop and flourish only when it is built into a discipline .

  10. 正确的信仰不是自发形成的,而是要通过教育才能实现。

    The correct belief is not a spontaneous formation , but can be achieved through education .

  11. 加强母语音乐教育才能繁荣母语音乐文化。

    We should strengthen the education of native language music to make native music culture prosperous .

  12. 图像直接作用于人的视觉.消除了文字那种需要通过接受教育才能理解的间接性。

    Pictures affect human vision directly and eliminate the remoteness of characters to be understood by education .

  13. 这样的教育才能真正让人美感的、诗意般地栖居在大地上。

    Only this kind of education can really make life reside on the earth admirably and poetically .

  14. 而要培养批判意识,弗莱雷认为只有通过教育才能达成。

    But how to develop such a consciousness ? Freire thinks that only education can achieve the goal .

  15. 这是因为成年人受到刺激,突然发起只有教育才能挽救我们,使我们免得落在苏联人后面的想头。

    Suddenly adults have been spurred into believing that only education will save us from lagging behind the Russians ;

  16. 怎样进行教育才能有效地促进学生创造力的发展?

    How do we carry out education in order to advance the development of the students ' creativity effectively ?

  17. 科学技术的竞争,归根到底是人才的竞争,只有实施素质教育才能培养出高素质的人才;

    The competition of science and technology is , in the final analysis , the competition of qualified personnel .

  18. 唯有解决师资问题,泰国的汉语教育才能突破发展难题。

    Only solving the problem of Chinese language teachers ' shortages , Chinese language education in Thailand could develop better .

  19. 只有教育才能解决这个问题,我们前面要走的路还很漫长。

    There 's no way through this problem other than education , and we have a long way to go .

  20. 只有这样,中国高等教育才能在国际大环境下得到稳定、健康、快速的发展。

    Only like this can China higher education get the stable and healthy and quick development under the international big environment .

  21. 只有这样,教育才能满足经济建设的需求,更好地为社会主义现代化建设服务。

    Only by it , the education could satisfy the need economic construction and gives a good service to modern socialist construction .

  22. 唯有此,我国语文教育才能得到健康而和谐的发展,才会拥有一个光明灿烂的明天!

    Only by so doing , can Chinese language education develop in a health and harmonious way and enjoy a bright future .

  23. 这表明,个体在分流中必须接受一定的教育才能流入理想的社会阶层,要形成庞大的社会中间阶层,必须大力发展中等教育,尤其是中等职业教育。

    We must develop the secondary education , especially the secondary vocational education in order to form the huge social middle class .

  24. 只有这样,高等医学教育才能培养更多高质量、高水平的医学人才。

    Only in this way can we train more high-quality and high-level medical personnel in the higher medical education of the21st century .

  25. 只有获得发展动力,高等教育才能担负起对社会的全部责任并避免愚钝和平庸。

    Only when the motive power of development obtained , can higher education bear the whole responsibility to society and avoid foolishness and indifference .

  26. 达到了这些目的,公共音乐教育才能真正为我国新世纪人才培养贡献力量。

    If public music education succeeds in these goals , the contribution to training qualified people of new age for our country can make .

  27. 与此同时,对高校贫困家庭学生进行有效的心理、思想教育才能使他们真正自立、自强、自信。

    - Meanwhile , it was very important to carry on the effective psychology , ideological education to make them support oneself , improve oneself .

  28. 这些都是要靠开展思想政治教育才能实现的。思想政治教育在新农村建设中发挥着重要的作用。

    All these need the help of the ideological and political education , which plays an important part in the construction of the new country .

  29. 只有三方共同努力,形成合力,高等职业教育才能实现可持续的发展,更好的为区域经济服务。

    Only tripartite joint efforts to form a cohesive force , the higher vocational education can realize sustainable development , and better service for the regional economy .

  30. 他最初是企图在一个部门弄到一个高级职员的职位,这样他在牛津大学所受的教育才能起作用,才能对他有好处。

    His first effort was to get an upper clerkship in one of the departments where his Oxford education could come into play and do him service .