
jiào fānɡ
  • institution to train musicians and singers
教坊 [jiào fāng]
  • [office in charge of imperial music] 古时管理宫廷音乐、舞蹈、戏曲的官署

  • 名属教坊第一部。--唐. 白居易《琵琶行(并序)》

  1. 教坊致语的撰写不限于文人学士,主要还是由教坊乐人撰写;

    Zhi Yu is written by the the musician in Jiao Fang mainly ;

  2. 关于唐代教坊的三个问题

    On Three Points of the Tang Dynasty Musical Houses

  3. 教坊职司方面与宋似,仍是宫廷承应乐舞的不可或缺的机构。

    Jin Jiaofang was the immutable setup when taking on music and dancing .

  4. 金教坊仍是宫廷杂剧演出的承应机构。

    It was also a setup which taking on playing Zaju in palace .

  5. 略论宋代教坊宴乐制度对我国古代戏剧的影响

    The Influence of the Feast Music in the Song Dynasty Upon Ancient Chinese Drama

  6. 回族语言、回族教坊与回族社区幼儿教育

    Language of Hui Nationality and Mosque Surrounding Areas and Kindergartens in Hui Nationality Communities

  7. 他又在长安、洛阳两地设置了四处外教坊。

    He also set up four other Outer Jiaofang in Chang'an ( now Xi'an ) and Luoyang .

  8. 清代戏曲管理分三个时期,即教坊司、南府和升平署。

    The opera management is divided into three period , Jiaofang , Nanfu and Shengpingshu in Qing Dynasty .

  9. 玄宗设立教坊的直接目的在于安置原藩邸的乐工与宦官;

    The purpose that emperor Tang Xuan-zong set up Musical House was to settle down former musicians and eunuchs .

  10. 其中教坊司时期在清初,戏曲演出活动不多,戏曲管理极为简单;

    Jiaofang period is in the early Qing Dynasty , the performances is not very much , management is extremely simple ;

  11. 宋代宫廷的多数礼仪中教坊并不负责核心的工作,但在大傩仪中却扮演了重要的角色。

    Seventhly , considering that Jiao-Fang in Song did not play an important role in most of royal court ceremony but Da-Nuo ceremony .

  12. 戏曲教育滥觞于原始宗教歌舞,在乐教传统的丰富和滋养下,于唐教坊中孕育出了完整的形态。

    With the enrichment and nourishment of traditional musical education , it developed the complete form in the Imperial Music Office of Tang Dynasty .

  13. 教坊是宋代重要的宫廷音乐机构之一,对宋代音乐文化的发展产生了重要影响。

    Jiao Fang is one of the most important court organization and gives full scope to the court music life in the Song Dynasty .

  14. 在研究过程中,特别强调将宋代教坊置于宋代社会政治、经济以及整个宋代文化的大视野中进行审视。

    In the course of the study , stress on the investigation under the political - economical and culture background in Song Dynasty specially .

  15. 《浣溪沙》是唐代教坊曲。唐五代时具有器乐演奏、歌唱、舞蹈的音乐形态。

    Huan Xi Sha is a music song of the Tang Dynasty , with instrumental music , singing , dance music forms in Tang and Five Dynasties .

  16. 同时,在这个共同体的共享参与中,家庭、教坊、清真寺是承载信息传递系统的重要载体,形成了依靠人际传播为主的传播系统。

    Meanwhile , in a sharing participation of this community , family , the square , the mosque forms an important structure to form the information delivery systems .

  17. 唐代第一任教坊使为范安及,教坊使的职能是管理乐人与音乐,他们与音乐才华没有必然的联系;

    The first administrator of Musical House was Fan An-ji , who was in charge of the musicians and had people who held the post no necessary connection with music brilliance .

  18. 此外它们的曲调还有来自唱赚、唐代教坊曲和唐宋大曲的,而且皆与宋词词调有密切的关系,有的可补宋词词调之阙,为研究中国音乐文学史提供了新的资料。

    They also adopted tunes of folk ditty and imperial music of the Tang and Song Dynasties , and all had relationship with the ci tune of Song ci , which provides the new material for the research of Chinese musical and literary history .

  19. 第二节唐代散乐之乐队组合,主要探讨演奏百戏、歌舞戏、俳优戏等俗乐为主的教坊乐队组合形式。

    Section two The form of composition of the orchestra of the palace of Tang Dynasty , Probe into , play acrobatics , song and dance play with , Pai excellent folk music of playing with etc. for to teach workshop composition of the orchestra form main fact mainly .