
  1. ITT教育服务机构称这项指控没有依据。

    ITT says the claims are without merits .

  2. 保护局认为,总部位于印第安纳州的ITT教育服务机构实际上对他们提供的贷款收取64%的利息,而实际上这项贷款的最高利息为16%。

    Bureau contends Indiana based ITT educational service actually projected the full rate of 64 % of the loans they provided , which had interest rates as high as 16 % .

  3. 论中小学环境教育服务机构的功能

    On the Functions of the Service Setup for Environmental Education in Primary and Secondary Schools

  4. 中国最大的民营教育服务机构新东方教育科技集团本周四在纽约股票交易所挂牌上市。

    New Oriental Education and Technology Group Inc. , the largest provider of private educational services in China went public on Thursday in New York Stock Exchange .

  5. 虽然英国政府已将振兴学徒制度列为一项政策重点,但教育检查服务机构——教育标准局(Ofsted)10月发布的一份报告称,他们走访的培养学徒的机构中,有三分之一提供的培训不合格。

    Although the British government has made boosting the apprenticeship system a priority , a report last month from Ofsted , the education inspection service , said that a third of the apprenticeship providers they visited offered substandard training .

  6. 外研汉语培训致力于为更多的汉语学习者、教学者提供个性化服务,做专业化、标准化、国际化的教育培训服务机构。

    As a professional , international , and standardized language training institute , WCT is dedicated to providing individualized services for learners and teachers of Chinese .

  7. 社会工作专业教育与社会服务机构的冲突与调试

    The Conflicts and Coordination between Professional Social Work Education and Social Service Agencies

  8. 公司现有一百多家美国、英国合作院校,与多家国内教育、中介服务机构建立了良好的合作关系。

    We also manage projects in partnership with education institutions , corporations and agencies such as ESL , AOSEO and other partners .

  9. 怎样最大限度地发挥自身竞争优势,扬长避短和规避风险,自如应对这个不断成熟的新兴行业的竞争和挑战,对于任何一个从事教育服务行业的机构而言,都是需要解决的重大课题。

    How to maximize their competitive strengths , weaknesses and avoid risks , easily deal with this emerging competition in the industry continues to mature and challenges need to be addressed , for any one institution engaged in the educational services industry a major issue .

  10. 教育与职业培训服务机构卡普兰考试培训学校(KaplanTestPrep)11月对法学院招生办人员进行的一项调查显示,迄今为止,已有51%的法学院缩减了入学新生的班级规模。

    So far , 51 % of law schools have cut the size of their entering classes , according to a November survey of law school admissions officers by Kaplan Test Prep , the education and career services provider .

  11. 医疗与教育领域心理健康服务机构管理情况比较

    Chinese Mental Health Organizations in Medical and Educational Areas : A Comparative Investigation of Current Service , Management and Problems

  12. 加拿大教育中国办公室是中国最大的提供教育服务的机构之一。

    CEC China is one of China 's largest education service providers .

  13. 结果表明:通过开设心理课、组织课外心理素质教育活动、时时处处渗透心理素质教育以及建立心理服务机构等途径,可明显提高护生的心理素质。

    The results showed that nursing students ' psycho-logical quality was significantly improved by the way of studying psychology , doing psychological practice beyond class , implementing psychological quality education everywhere and everytime , and establishing the net of psychological service .

  14. 要实现第三方教育服务必须加强法制化建设,建立健全专业、系统的第三方教育服务机构,发挥高校在建立第三方教育服务系统中的作用。

    To realize the third party educational service , it is vital to strengthen the construction of law , perfect professional and systematic third party educational service organization , and take good use of universities in setting up third party educational service system .