
  • 网络CHST
  1. 因此,最新预算案引入了一些新的社会转移支付措施,比如,提出了让中低收入家庭更多分享经济增长成果的计划。

    Hence the latest budget introduced some new social transfer measures ; for example , schemes to share more of the benefits from economic growth with low and middle income households .

  2. 各国采取的收入分配调节手段有税收、养老金、社会保障与转移支付等财政政策。

    The governments usually adopt several fiscal policies , such as tax , pension , social security and payment transfer to alter income distribution .

  3. 规范社会保障支出转移支付制度,同时建立同级政府之间的横向转移支付制度,解决同级政府之间不平等的社会保障差异。

    Standardized system of transfer payments of social security spending , while establishing cross between the same levels of government transfer payment system to address the same level of inequality between the Governments of differences in social security .

  4. 建立起社会保障支出的转移支付制度,一定程度上缩小地区间的收入分配差异,缩小社会成员之间的福利差距。

    We also have to establish a social security expenditure transfer payment system , reduce the differences in income distribution between regions and try to narrow the gap between members of society .

  5. 我国社会保障资金管理混乱,转移支付水平极低,且滞后于经济增长,社会保障转移支付需求与供给缺口越来越大。

    Transfer payment is extremely low and lagged far behind economic growth . Gap between demand and supply of transfer payment are enlarged .

  6. 最后提出扩大社会养老保障覆盖面、加大对欠发达地区社会养老保障的转移支付等政策建议。

    Finally , the authors put forward the policy proposals to extend the social old-age security coverage , and carry out greater transference of expenditure to the underdeveloped areas .

  7. 本文分析了建立和完善我国社会保障财政制度的必要性,并从社会保障预算、社会保障税、社会保障财政转移支付三个方面对我国社会保障财政制度的法律完善进行了探讨。

    This article analyzes the necessity of establishing and improving financial system of social security in China , and discusses legal perfection of financial System of Social Security from three aspects-social security budget , social security tax and fiscal transfer payment of social security .