
  1. 由于资源缺乏,新创企业的创新具有更强的社会网络依赖性,研究不同类型合作网络与创新绩效关系以及社会网络的决定因素具有重要现实意义。

    The innovation of start-ups strongly depends on social network due to " resources poverty ", so it has important realistic significance to study the relationship between different types of cooperation networks and innovation performance , as well as the determinants of the social network .

  2. 这样,农村老年人对社会资本的依赖性将不断增强。

    Thus , the countryside senior citizen unceasingly will strengthen to the social capital dependence .

  3. 新中国高校培养目标话语尽管是一种特定的话语类型,但是它也具有一般话语实践的基本特征,即话语的社会性、依赖性和建构性。

    Although as a specific type of discourse , it has the basic features of general discourse practices , such as social , dependent and constructive .

  4. Internet在经济、政治、教育、商业、金融、交通、电信等方面的作用也日益增大,社会对互联网的依赖性也日益增强。

    Internet has been playing a more and more important role in such areas as economy , politics , education , commerce , finance , transportation and telecommunications . The whole society is increasingly dependent on it .

  5. 现代社会对于通信的依赖性越来越强,因此网络的保护和恢复是网络建设和维护的关键之一。

    Modern society is increasingly depending on communications , therefore network protection and restoration has become one of the key elements of network construction and maintenance .

  6. 网络应用的日益丰富使得社会对网络的依赖性增强,网络已经成为信息传输的主要媒介,网络信息传输的安全性、信息的保密、信息源的认证越来越受到重视。

    The development of Internet application increases the connection demand , Internet has become the main media of information propagation , more and more focus has project on security and integrity of information transmission , authentication of information source .

  7. 电网安全是社会公共安全的核心内容之一,因为现代社会对电力的依赖性不言而喻,一旦失去电力供应,整个社会的生产、教育、交通、通信、生活等就会陷入瘫痪。

    Power grid security is one of the cores of the public safety problems , because the dependence of modern society on the power is self-evident . Once losing electricity supply , the production of the whole society , education , transportation , telecommunications , and life will be paralyzed .

  8. 马克思根据作为社会主体的人的发展状况,把人类历史划分为人的依赖性社会、物的依赖性社会、个人全面发展的社会三种依次更替的社会形态。

    According to the state of development of the person of the social subject , Marx divided human history into 3 kinds of formations of society : human dependence society , thing dependence society and personal all-round developing society .