
shè huì xū qiú
  • social needs
  1. 结合GIS知识体系结构、专业特点和社会需求,讨论了GIS专业实践教学体系的基本框架及其依托。

    According to the characteristics and social needs , we discussed the basic framework and its prop of GIS specialty 's practical teaching system .

  2. 方法以Neuman的健康-护理系统模式为依据设计问卷,调查乳腺癌放疗患者生理、心理及社会需求情况。

    Methods Questionnaire was designed according to Neuman System Model to investigate the physiological , psychological and social needs of breast cancer patients who were receiving radiotherapy .

  3. 随着社会需求的提高和技术的发展,图形界面的操作系统如Windows等已经取代Dos系统成为操作系统的主流,计算机中ISA总线也逐渐被PCI总线取代。

    With the developing of compute technology , Operate System with graphical interfaces , for example , Windows , Mac and etc , has replaced Dos and become popular in OS market , computer ISA bus also has been replaced by PCI bus .

  4. 从社会需求分析包装装潢和包装工程的人才培养

    Discussing People Training for Packaging Engineering and Decoration from Social Needs

  5. 社会需求、技术缺失与机器的诞生

    Society Demand , Techno-absence , and the Presence of Machine

  6. 法学教育与社会需求矛盾分析

    The Contradictions and Solutions of Legal Education and Social Requirement

  7. 汉语语料库满足社会需求的思考

    Consideration of Social Requirement of the Storage of Chinese Materials

  8. 我国环境监察专业人才的社会需求量大并且紧迫。

    Talents majoring in Environmental inspection are in great and urgent need .

  9. 医疗人才培养适应社会需求的探讨

    Health Service Professionals : Innovative Cultivation to suit Social Needs

  10. 或在社会需求中自觉创建。

    Or in the community needs to consciously build .

  11. 三是分析了高校专业设置与社会需求不相符。

    Three is to analyze the college professional setting and the social demand .

  12. 浅谈预防与康复的关系和社会需求

    Intimate relationship and social requirement of prevention and rehabilitation

  13. 深化教学改革,适应社会需求;

    Deepening the reform of teaching ; meeting the needs of the society ;

  14. 社会需求变化对设计教育的影响

    Influence of Social Demand Change upon Design Education

  15. 注册会计师的社会需求与培养

    Social Demand and Cultivation for the Registered Accountants

  16. 社会需求的增加,促进了睑袋整复术的发展。

    The increase of the social demands accelerates the progresses of the lower eyelid blepharoplasty .

  17. 根据社会需求培养学生能力&人才培养模式和开放教育问题系列谈之一

    How to Foster Students ' Ability according to Society Demand in TV & Radio University

  18. 高等医学院校毕业生的英语社会需求分析

    An Analysis to Social Need of English Commanded by Graduates from Medical College and Universities

  19. 在市场经济条件下,社会需求始终是高等学校发展的重要推动力。

    In market economy , social needs give impetus to the development of colleges and universities .

  20. 法律真实与会计真实的对接构成法务会计发展的社会需求推动力。

    The connection of legal liability and accounting liability is the driving force of social demand .

  21. 而学生需求和社会需求很可能产生需求矛盾。

    It is probably that there are needs contradiction between the Needs of learners and social needs .

  22. 我国报纸近年来随着社会需求和自身的市场化运作,言论版也日渐成熟。

    Chinese newspapers are becoming more mature due to its own marketing operations and the society 's demand .

  23. 本文概述了这4种系统和技术的发展概况、社会需求以及发展设想。

    In this paper , development , society requirements and future configuration of the four systems is introduced .

  24. 从纯净钢生产的社会需求出发,分析了日本纯净钢生产的工艺技术。

    This paper analyzes the technology of clean steel production in Japan , from the view of society needs .

  25. 完善河南师范大学油画教学体质,适应新时代社会需求都具有重要意义。

    Improve Henan normal university teaching physique , adapt to the new painting era social demand is very significant .

  26. 课堂教学改革的目标是满足社会需求和学生就业与个体发展需要。

    The aim of class teaching reform is to meet the needs of society and students employment and individual development .

  27. 因此,针对社会需求,以应用能力培养为主的高等职业教育逐步成为我国高等教育的一个重要部分。

    To satisfy the society demand , higher vocational and technical education became gradually one important part of high education .

  28. 信息系统还可以提高整个供应链系统的可靠性,更好地满足社会需求。

    Information system can also raise reliability of the entire supply chain system , and better meet the social needs .

  29. 结论:这样的护士规模将不能满足社会需求,应加强护理人员的培养。

    Conclusion This nurse scale will not meet the needs of the province . The nurse training must be strengthened .

  30. 对此,应从多样化的社会需求和多元化的主体角度来确立多样化的高等教育质量观。

    We should build up a diversified concept on higher education quality on request of diversified social need and various entities .