
  • 网络sociocultural theory;social-cultural theory;socio-cultural theory
  1. 首先、根据社会文化理论,人类是通过中介手段认知世界的,所有的中介手段中,语言是最强有力的工具。

    First , according to the socio-cultural theory , humanuse an intermediary means to know the world , out of all the intermediate means , language is the most powerful tool .

  2. 维果茨基的社会文化理论揭示了知识建构中个体和社会相互依赖的性质。

    Vygotsky 's sociocultural theory reveals the interdependence between the individual and society in the construction of knowledge .

  3. 论鲍德里亚的消费社会文化理论

    On Baudrillard 's Cultural Theory of the Consumption Society

  4. 基于社会文化理论的互动与第二语言学习者词汇习得效应的研究

    A Sociocultural Theory Based Study on the Interaction and Vocabulary Acquisition Effect of Second Language Learners

  5. 第三部分主要从认知理论、社会文化理论两个角度论述了任务型语言教学的理论依据;

    The third part gives a general statement of the theory basis from cognitive approach and socio-cultural perspective .

  6. 从社会文化理论的视角探讨适当使用汉语辅助能促进英语课堂教学,缓解学生焦虑心理。

    From the perspective of social and cultural theory , the proper use of Chinese-assisted teaching can promote English classroom teaching and ease students'anxiety .

  7. 第三部分介绍了与本研究相关的二语习得及教育心理学理论:输入及输出假设、交互假设及社会文化理论;

    The third part introduces the theoretical framework of the study : the input and output hypothesis , the interactive hypothesis and sociocultural theory .

  8. 最近发展区概念作为社会文化理论的核心组成部分,在二语习得领域得到广泛的应用,但对其内涵解读却存在一定偏差。

    The construct of " Zone of Proximal Development " as a kernel concept of social cultural theory is diversely interpreted in second language acquisition .

  9. 本文基于社会文化理论,采用定性研究的方法,探讨了中外教师合作教学对教师专业发展的影响。

    The current qualitative research , based on sociocultural theory , explores the impact of co-teaching between local and native English teachers on teachers'professional development .

  10. 社会文化理论视野下的发展是指在某一方向上质的变化,发展的方向部分地取决于文化、人际之间的需要以及特定的环境。

    According to social-culture theory , development is qualitative change in certain orientation that in part lies in culture , human relations and some special circumstances .

  11. 具体做法为:以社会文化理论为基础,综合文献研究和访谈调查研究等方法,探索小学数学课堂师生对话分析的理论框架,经本土化的实践修正后,形成小学数学课堂师生对话分析框架。

    Based on the sociocultural theory and combining the methods of literature research and interview survey , the analytical framework is formed by exploring the theoretical framework for the analysis of the primary mathematics classroom teacher-student conversation and localizing the theory in practice .

  12. 文化翻译理论包括释义理论和社会文化学理论。

    The cultural translation theory includes hermeneutic theory and socio-cultural theory .

  13. 社会文化历史理论是批判性思维的重要理论范型之一。

    Social cultural and historical theories are important theoretical categories in critical thinking .

  14. 批判性思维的社会文化历史理论分析

    An Analysis of Critical Thinking from the Perspectives of Social Cultural and Historical Theories

  15. 第四部分:科学构建社会主义社会小康文化理论的基本框架。

    The fourth part tries to found the theoretical structure of the socialism well-off culture scientifically .

  16. 创造性地以符号为中介,以符号作为高级心理机能社会文化历史理论的基础,使文化与心理之间有了联系的桥梁;

    Using symbol as the agency and the basis of socio-cultural-historical theory of advanced mental function , and acting as the bridge between culture and mind ;

  17. 将芜杂的批判性思维理论按5个不同维度加以分类和梳理,将它们分为:解决问题理论、技能理论、认知发展理论、信息加工理论、社会文化历史理论5大类。

    Based on five different dimensions , the critical thinking theories are divided into five groups . They are problem-solving theory , skill theory , cognitive development theory , information processing theory and society-culture-history theory .

  18. 家庭亲子关系对儿童人格发展的影响&霍妮社会文化神经症理论对家庭亲子关系的启示

    Parenthood Influence on the Development of Children 's Personality

  19. 本文以霍妮的社会文化神经症理论为出发点,从家庭教育这个层面,对影响儿童人格形成的重要因素及如何营造良好的家庭亲子关系,促进儿童人格的健全发展作了初步分析和研究。

    Building favorable relationship between parents and children to promote favorable development of children 's personality was discussed in this paper .

  20. 本文选取他对当代社会的文化批判理论中最为关键的部分&资本主义的文化矛盾研究展开论述。

    The paper chooses the most important from his cultural criticism towards modern society to elucidate , i.e. the study of the capitalistic cultural contradiction .

  21. 本论文在对真人秀电视节目兴起的背景进行分析时,主要采用了文化研究的相关理论和研究方法,所涉及的理论包括消费社会与消费文化理论、现实与虚拟现实理论等。

    The thesis analyses the backgrounds of arising of reality TV with culture research theories and methods , and the correlative theories includes consumerist societies and culture , reality and fiction , etc.

  22. 从顺应论角度对文化误译的研究有重大的意义:首先,为翻译建立了一个囊括认知、社会和文化的理论框架,从而使得对文化误译的研究更具可行性;

    Firstly , it develops a theoretical framework of translation that integrates the cognitive , social and cultural elements functioning in the process of specific instance of translation into the analysis and provides the feasibility of cultural mistranslation in various types of discourses .

  23. 同时翻译规范理论为本研究探索转译现象背后的社会文化规范奠定了理论基础。

    Translation norms laid a theoretical foundation to investigate norms of socio-culture beneath indirect translation .

  24. 宗教文本翻译的社会文化影响及其翻译理论之比较

    Contrastive study of socio-cultural influence on the translation of the religious versions and the translation theory

  25. 在简要地勾勒时装历史的同时描述了对于时装时尚现象的社会和文化意义进行理论概括的种种尝试。

    This article briefly outlines the history of fashion clothes ad attempts to theorize the phenomenon of fashion in its social and cultural significance .

  26. 同时,以社会文化结构论为理论基础,采用二级错误信念和失言理解任务进行的跨文化实验研究。

    At the same time , the thesis use social and cultural structure theory as its theory foundation . This thesis adopted second-order false belief ( FB ) tasks and faux pas tasks for cross-cultural research .

  27. 格-群文化理论就是当前地理学和环境科学人文因素研究中一个新的着眼点,又称为格-群分析、文化理论或社会文化的生存能力理论。

    Grid-group cultural theory is a new focus on study of human factors in geography and environmental science , it also known as grid-group analysis , CT ( cultural theory ) or the theory of sociocultural viability .

  28. 本文分析了在当前社会文化语境下建筑理论教育中存在的一些问题,对与实践相脱离的一元化的宏大叙事方式进行了批判,同时提出了应当采取多元化的私人叙事方式。

    This article shows some problems in architectural theory education in contemporary social culture , and criticizes the magnificent recount which is separated from the practice , in the same time advocates the means of private recount which is diverse .

  29. 从形成文学思潮的三大要素即社会文化思潮、文学理论导向、作家作品状态出发,分析90年代中国散文热,认为通俗与闲适是这一时期中国散文最突出的特征。

    The thesis analyses the " Prose fever " in China in 1990s from the angle of the three major factors of the cultural trend of thought of society , the guide of Literature theories and the state of writers and their works .

  30. 广告话语分析对于广告社会文化功能具有应用理论和研究方法的双重地位,通过这个研究,我们希望为我们所构建的广告话语理论提供一个分析框架和操作范例。

    The theory of advertising discourse analysis is not only an applied theory , but the study method as well . Through the study , we hope to provide the analysis frame and operation example for the advertising discourse analysis theory which we established .