
tóng yīn
  • unisonance;unison;homophone
同音 [tóng yīn]
  • [unisonance] 同一读音

  • 同音字

同音[tóng yīn]
  1. MIS系统中的同音字模糊查询技术

    The Fuzzy Query Technology of Chinese Homophone In MIS

  2. 简体中文拼音转换类库(SimplifiedChinesetoPin-YinConversionLibrary)&这个类库使开发人员能够得到简体中文字符的多音字、同音字、拼音、笔画数等属性。

    Simplified Chinese to Pin-Yin Conversion Library – This class library enables developers to retrieve the polyphone , homophone , Pinyin and stroke count properties of Simplified Chinese characters .

  3. QT3.14是用数学俚语指代某个可爱又迷人的家伙,这里的QT其实就是cutie(可爱)的缩写,而3.14则代表pie(招人喜欢的人),与该数字原本代表的数学概念Pi(圆周率)同音。

    QT3.14 is mathematics slang for cutie pie , that is , a cute , attractive person . QT means cutie , and 3.14 means pie ( with same pronunciation with Pi ) .

  4. 声调系统也是一个难题。汉语中有很多同音字,只靠四个声调来区分,而这很难区分开来,除非能确定上下文及短语的含义。

    The tone system also is a pain because there are many homophones in Chinese only distinguishable by the four tones . Even this is often not enough unless the actual context and exact phrase are identified .

  5. 雷达是由RadioDetectingAndRange的字头所组成。n.同音异义词

    The word " radar " is an acronym for Radio Detecting And Range . homonym

  6. IBM说,沃森将会在明年初开始这份新工作的时候具备区分同音字的能力。

    IBM says Watson will know the difference when it starts the new job early next year .

  7. 给兔子行割礼的医学术语是什么?HareCut(兔割,与理发同音)。

    What 's the correct medical term for the circumcision of a rabbit ? Hare Cut .

  8. 东风汽车(dongfengauto)销售一款名为“汗马”的汽车,与悍马同音。

    Dongfeng Auto sells a squat vehicle called the Hanma , a name that sounds the same as Hummer in Chinese .

  9. 尽管学生们常拿她的名字开玩笑,叫她滚石(英语中Rowling与rolling同音),她仍然非常喜欢教书。

    In spite of her students making jokes about her name ( this time they called her " Rolling Stone "), she enjoyed teaching .

  10. 也就是说,旅客每天都可以乘坐666号航班飞往HEL(赫尔辛基国际机场的代号,与意指地狱的hell同音)。

    Which means fliers can , on a daily basis , take Flight 666 to HEL . ( That 's Helsinki 's international airport code . )

  11. 作为一种古老的英语修辞格,pun通常被定义为通过运用一词多义或同音异义手段来使一段语料同时表达多种含义。

    Pun is an old English rhetorical device in English language , commonly defined as humorous uses of a word with many senses or words alike in sound .

  12. 辛楣狠命把牙齿咬跟唇,因为他想着Mating跟梅亭也是同音而更有意义。

    Hsin-mei furiously bit down on his lips , for it occurred to him that the word " mating " was also homophonous with " Mei-t'ing " and had a meaning as well .

  13. 本文介绍了高淳方言的语音系统,特别是对高淳方言中鼻辅音〔m〕〔n〕〔η〕自成音节的三组同音字进行了描述,并就相关问题作了一些分析。

    This article tries to demonstrate the phonetic system of Gao-chun Dialect , especially to describe three group of nasal consonant homonyms [ m ] [ n ] [ η ] which can act as syllables independently in Gao-chun Dialect , and also to analyze something related .

  14. FPY中的同音词智能识别方法

    The Intelligent Recognition Methods of Chinese Homophone Words in FPY

  15. 结果对同义字和同音字进行判断均能明显激活Broca区、Wernicke区、双侧纹外视区及双侧颞叶腹侧皮层。

    Results Broca ′ s area , Wernicke ′ s area , bilateral extrastriate , and ventral temporal cortex were significantly activated during both synonym and homophone tasks .

  16. 由于在汉语语音识别方面取得了巨大进步(汉语中的大量同音异义词和语境的重要性使之极具挑战),百度即将推出Deepspeech——一款类似于苹果(Apple)的Siri的语音识别软件。

    Thanks to the strides made in Chinese language voice recognition - a particular challenge because of the number of homonyms and the importance of context - Baidu will soon roll out Deepspeech , a voice recognition software similar to Apple 's Siri .

  17. 正如发音不同的单词有可能有相同的soundex,反过来的情况也有可能发生:发音相同的单词,叫做同音词(homophone),可能有不同的代码。

    Just as different sounding words may have the same soundex , the reverse situation can also occur : words that sound identical , called homophones , may have different codes .

  18. 俄语同音异义词研究词序的认知基础

    A Study of Russian Homophones The Cognitive Basis of Word Order

  19. 同音词是语言中极其重要而又十分普遍的现象。

    Homophones are the universal and very important phenomena in languages .

  20. 第二部分是列出无锡方言同音字汇。

    The second part is Homophony Syllabary of Wuxi Dialect .

  21. 其次,分析了同音词产生的原因。

    Secondly , we have analysed the reason why the homonym produces .

  22. 联想存储技术在汉语同音词理解上的应用

    The Application of Associative Memory Technique to the Understanding of Chinese Homonyms

  23. 基于ORACLE/EJB的汉字模糊同音查询的实现

    Realization of fuzzy homophone query based on oracle / ejb

  24. 同义词,反义词,同形同音异义词专业词典。

    Scholastic Dictionary of Synonyms , Antonyms , and Homonyms .

  25. 汉语同音词调查及拼音输入法基线模型研究

    An Investigation on Chinese Homophone & Study on Pinyin IME Baseline Model

  26. 陕西平利洛河方言同音字汇

    The Homophony syllabary of Luohe Dialect in Pingli County , Shaanxi Province

  27. 汉语同音字和多音字处理方法研究

    Study on Processing Methods of Chinese Homonym and Polyphony Words

  28. 汉语同音异形词意义识别中的抑制过程

    Inhibitory processes in the recognition of homophone meanings in Chinese

  29. 现代汉语同音词误用的原因及倾向

    The Cause and Tendency of Misuse of Chinese Homophone

  30. 基于多知识源的同音词识别方法

    Approaches for Recognition of Chinese Homophone Words Based on the Multiple Knowledge Sources