
  • 网络peer influence;peer pressure
  1. 学习环境同其他外部因素如学习方式的转变、教师和同伴影响等通过学生的自我调节和内化作用不断影响并改变着他们的英语学习观念。

    In addition , environmental changes together with other external factors such as changes in learning modes , teachers ' influence and peer influence constantly affect and change students ' English learning beliefs through their internal adjustment and internalization .

  2. 珠江三角洲人们参加体育锻炼的动因主要是:爱好与习惯、同伴影响、身体疾病需要锻炼等。

    The reasons promoting people to do exercises are hobbies and habits , mutual influence , and for physical health .

  3. 青少年吸烟与生理依赖的发展、种族、冲动性、情感障碍和同伴影响等因素有关。

    Smoking in adolescents is related to development of physical development of dependence , ethnicity , impulsivity , affective disorder and peer influences .

  4. 得出使用态度是同伴影响、感知信息技术有用性与使用意向的部分中介,是资源促进条件与使用意向的完全中介。

    So using attitude is partial intermediary between peer effects , perceived usefulness of information technology and using intention , is fully intermediary between resources promotion and using intention .

  5. 加入态度这一中介变量后,影响使用意向的因素变为:使用态度、同伴影响、感知信息技术有用性。

    Join the attitude which is a intermediary variable , the factors that have influence on the using intention are : using attitude , peer effects and perceived usefulness of information technology .

  6. 结果发现:①预测厌学类学生动机行为的最大因素是自我概念、家长要求、与同伴影响,其次是学习目的与归因;

    The finding reveals that : ① the foremost anticipating affecting factors for the unwilling learners are self-conception , parents ′ requirements and companion influence ; the secondary : learning goal and attribution .

  7. 师生关系、同伴关系影响青少年自尊的路径分析

    Path Analysis on Teacher-child Relationship and Peer Relationship Influenced Adolescents ' Self-esteem

  8. 同伴关系影响因素的概述及教育实践启示

    Factors of Peer Relationships and Education Practice Inspiration

  9. 恰当的说法是年轻人更易受到其同伴的影响。

    It is fair to say that the young are more susceptible to their companions .

  10. 异龄同伴是影响幼儿发展的重要他人之一。

    The different-age peer is one of " significant others " that affect preschoolers ' development .

  11. 与以往的研究相比,本次调查中,同伴的影响对课堂沉默行为的形成有不容忽视的作用。

    Compared with the previous researches , peer effects on the formation of students ' silence in English class can not be neglected in this investigation .

  12. 个体内因、同伴关系影响、家庭环境濡染及社会环境影响,无疑是青少年产生偏差行为基本的原因层面。

    The basic causes of adolescents'deviant behaviors include the following such as individual internal reasons , influences from partner-relationships , and influences from families and the society .

  13. 本论文还分析了同伴群体影响儿童品德发展的心理机制,有强化、模仿、和从众心理等。

    The thesis also analyzes the psychological mechanism of the peer group 's influence upon the children 's morality development which includes reinforcement , imitation , conformity , etc.

  14. 无论是黎族还是汉族,被调查者所报告的朋友的相关性行为和对性的态度都是影响婚前性行为、多性伴行为和买性行为的重要因素,尤其是社区中同伴的影响作用。

    Attitudes and behaviors in their community were important factors associated with premarital sexual behavior , multiple sexual partners and commercial sexual use among both ethnic Li and ethnic Han people .

  15. 在幼师生品德的发展过程中,父母主要从观念、认识上对她们产生深远的影响,同伴是影响幼师生道德行为的重要因素。

    During the development of the GSKTS 's moral character , their parents mainly have a far-reaching influence conceptually and cognitively while their associates play a significant role in their moral behavior .

  16. 大学生有体育锻炼习惯的人数比例较低,他们对同伴的影响不如没有体育锻炼习惯学生对同伴的影响大,同伴效应的负面影响大于正面影响。

    Because the percent of college students ' physical training habits is low , the influence of them is lower than that of students ' of none physical training habits , and the object influence of companion is more than that of the positive .

  17. 儿童同伴关系的影响因素研究述评

    A Review of the Factors that Influence the Children 's Peer Relationships

  18. 同伴关系是影响儿童健全人格的一个重要因素。

    Peer relationship plays an important role in affecting children 's healthy personality .

  19. 这一切使得同伴群体及其影响的研究显得更加迫切。

    All this make it more urgent to study the peer group and its influence .

  20. 关系攻击行为对同伴关系的影响日渐成为研究的热点。

    More and more researches were focused on the influence of relational aggression on peer relationship .

  21. 集体运动项目对中学生同伴人际关系影响的研究

    The Research on the Influences of Group Sports to Peer Relationships of Middle School Students Project Database

  22. 教育因素对小学生利他行为发展影响巨大而持久,与认知因素和同伴关系共同影响小学生利他行为的发展。

    Combining with cognitive ability and partnership jointly , education plays an immense and durable influential role in pupils ' altruistic behaviors .

  23. 本次研究显示,彝族中学生饮酒期望受到彝族文化传统、父母家庭教养、同伴关系行为影响。

    This study has shown that the alcoholic expectancy of Yi teenagers is influenced by its cultural traditions , parental rearing and peer relationships .

  24. 本文在前人研究的基础上,系统地探讨这种合作游戏对于大班幼儿同伴关系的影响。

    Based on the research of predecessors , this thesis systematically discusses the influences that the cooperative plays have onthe infants in top classes .

  25. 我们很容易受同伴话语的影响,她们对我们所说的话可能会影响到你是否去申请一份职位,杜芙说。

    We are susceptible to what our peers say , and what they tell us can be the difference between applying for a job or not , she says .

  26. 本研究对城市青少年接触电子游戏的现状与特点进行大样本调查分析,着重考察了暴力在线游戏对青少年同伴交往的影响,并对其机制进行了初探。

    The current research investigated the present situation and major characteristics of urban adolescent video game playing , and the effect and its psychic mechanism of online games on peer interaction .

  27. 情绪理解和亲社会行为对儿童同伴接纳的影响存在一定的年龄效应,情绪解码能力是年幼儿童同伴接纳的最佳预测变量,亲社会行为则是年长儿童同伴接纳的最佳预测变量。

    For children under 5 years of age , emotion decoding was the best predictor of social preference , while prosocial behavior was the best predictor of peer acceptance for older children .

  28. 关系攻击行为与外部攻击行为存在差异,这种差异不仅表现在性别上,在各自的气质影响因素和对同伴关系的影响上也同样存在较大差异。

    Relational aggressive behaviors are distinct from overtly aggressive behaviors . This distinct not only represented in gender differences , but also in the temperament factors related to them and their influences on popularity .

  29. 留守经历对儿童同伴交往能力的影响

    The Impact of " Left-behind " Experience on Children 's Communicative Ability with Their Peers

  30. 表演游戏对4~6岁幼儿同伴交往能力的影响

    Study on the Impact of Thematic-fantasy Play on Companion Association Ability of 4 ~ 6 Years Old Children