
  • 网络Activity Psychology;Psychology of activity
  1. 论文最后评价了塔雷金娜思想的主要贡献和局限。贡献在于:维护和发展了活动的心理学;

    In the last part , the main contributions and limitations were presented .

  2. 巴甫洛夫对心理活动和心理学的看法

    How Pavlov looked at psychic activity and psychology

  3. 调查中发现,许多大学英语课堂教学活动与教育心理学的发展、学生的需求相悖。

    It has been discovered in the survey that many activities in college English classroom are not in accordance with the latest development of educational psychology and the students ' needs .

  4. 教育活动课程由发展心理学研究生和经过培训的、经验丰富的幼儿教师共同讨论、制定。

    The courses were discussed and established by the graduate students of development psychology and the trained and seasoned preschool teachers .

  5. 科学心理学把科学当作一种高级的认知活动,主张用心理学的方法来研究科学行为与科学思想。

    The Psychology of Science see science as a high-level cognitive activities , advocate to use psychology approach to research science and scientific thoughts .