
  • 网络synchronizer;Synchronization;Synchromesh;SYNC
  1. 同步器可让您同步文件夹,磁盘或计算机上

    The Synchronizer allows you to synchronize folders , disks or computers .

  2. 使用Web管理工具设置同步器

    Use the web admin tool to set up the synchronizer

  3. 同步器会在RationalTeamConcert与RationalChange之间映射生命周期状态。

    The synchronizer maps lifecycle states between Rational Team Concert and Rational Change .

  4. 基于特征的汽车同步器三维参数化CAD系统的研究与开发

    Research and Development on 3D Parameterization CAD System of Automobile Synchronizer Based-On Feature

  5. 基于FPGA和DSP的通用帧同步器设计

    Design of universal frame synchronization circuit based on FPGA and DSP

  6. 和RationalTeamConcert一样,不要跨多个同步器重复使用属性。

    As with Rational Team Concert , do not reuse attributes across multiple synchronizers .

  7. 同步器有6路信号输出端(分为A、B两组)和一个信号输入端,最多可使6台仪器同步工作。

    With six signal output ends ( Group A and B ) and one signal input end , it can synchronize six instruments .

  8. 卫星软格式化同步器与资源卫星1号02星CCD数据移动窗相关技术研究

    Software Frame Synchronizer and Related Technology Research of Moving Window Display for CCD Data of CBERS-2

  9. SDH系统中去同步器泄漏率算法的研究

    The Research of Bit-Leaking Calculation on Desynchronization in SDH System

  10. 如果在一个同步器中使用了某个ID映射属性,不要再在其他同步器中使用该属性。

    If an ID mapping attribute is used in one synchronizer , do not use it in other synchronizers .

  11. 基于PCI总线的高速可重构PCM帧同步器的实现

    Realization of high-speed reconfigurable Frame-Synchronizer based on CPLD

  12. PPM光通信相关式数字锁相环时隙同步器

    Relational Digital Phase Lock Loop slot synchronizer for PPM Laser Communication System

  13. 在Protel99中利用同步器生成PCB文件的应用及若干使用技巧

    The Application of Generating PCB Files by Using Synchronizer in Protel 99 and Several Using Skills

  14. 同步器开始运行之后,单击Refresh按钮可以查看所有变化。

    After the synchronizer starts running , click the Refresh button to see any changes .

  15. 基于PIC单片机驱动的交流同步器系统

    AC Synchronizer System Based on PIC MCU Driving

  16. 高速可编程PCM遥测帧同步器

    A high-rate programmable PCM telemetry frame synchronizer

  17. 要运行同步器,可以打开位于导航栏Administration区域下的Start/StopSynchronizer面板。

    To run the synchronizer , open the Start / Stop Synchronizer panel under the Administration section of the navigation bar .

  18. 使用同步器让两种工具之间的变更请求数据在RationalTeamConcert初始部署之前、之间和之后保持同步。

    Use the synchronizer to keep change request data in sync between the two tools before , during , and after an initial Rational Team Concert deployment .

  19. 遥测数据处理系统码同步器的仿真及PLD实现

    Simulation of Bit Synchronizer in Telemetry Data Processing System and Its Implementation with PLD

  20. 对CAS520传动器进行了粉末冶金(PM)同步器齿毂材料和氮化处理工艺研究。

    The characteristics and nitriding technology of the powder metallurgy materials used for huls in CA S5 20 transmission were investigated .

  21. 如果多个同步器拥有相同的ID映射属性,要同步的对象也会被多个同步器选中。

    If more than one synchronizer has the same ID mapping attribute , the object to be synchronized gets picked by more than one synchronizer .

  22. S7-200可编程控制器在汽轮机组同步器中的应用

    Application of S7-200 programmable logic controller ( PLC ) on synchronizer of stream turbine

  23. 一种使用CAMAC接口的PCM遥测系统帧同步器设计

    Design A Detector of Frame Synchronization Codes in PCM Telemetry System with CAMAC Interface

  24. NTC技术在微动同步器标度因数的温度补偿中的应用

    The use of NTC technology in the temperature compensation of scale factor for Microsyn

  25. 为了让该操作变得简单,您可以在RationalChange数据库中设定惟一一个拥有管理权限的RationalChange用户,并在审计日志中清楚地标识为同步器而非一个人。

    To make this simpler , you can have a unique Rational Change user that has administrative rights in the Rational Change database and can clearly be identified in audit logs as the synchronizer and not a person .

  26. 本文描述了如何集成工具,以及如何配置同步器和OpenServicesforLifecycleCollaboration(OSLC)桥来支持集成。

    This article describes how to integrate the tools and how to configure the synchronizer and Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration ( OSLC ) bridge to support the integration .

  27. 本文采用基于内插及数字PLL的码元同步器结构,很好地解决了上述问题。

    In this thesis , we present a symbol synchronizer based on digital PLL and interpolation , which avoids the disadvantages mentioned above .

  28. 本文利用快速发展的FPGA技术设计出了高速遥感多星通用格式化同步器,同时分析了若干关键技术参数及系统性能。

    Based on the rapid progress of the FPGA technology , a high-speed remote-sensing multi-satellites universal frame synchronizer is developed . The analysis of key technology and system performance is described .

  29. 本课题是便携式遥测跟踪接收系统的一部分,主要完成的是遥测跟踪接收系统信号处理硬件平台的设计与实现,以及基于PCI接口的位同步器的设计与实现。

    As a part of ADAS , author have designed , drew up and implemented signal processing hardware equipments and a code timing recovery circuit based PCI interface .

  30. 如图11中所示,指向同步器特定帮助内容的链接位于InstalledSynchronizers的导航栏上。

    As shown in Figure 11 , the link to synchronizer-specific help is on the navigation bar for the Installed Synchronizers .