
shè huì jīnɡ jì guān xì
  • socioeconomic relation
  1. 随着我国加入WTO和天然气工业的发展,规范相关的社会经济关系,制定完善天然气法规体系已提到议事日程。

    With China 's entrance into WTO and development of natural gas industry , regulating related social economic relationship and setting perfect legislative systems for natural gas has been under schedule .

  2. 马克思主义对未来社会经济关系预测的合理性

    Practical Significance of Marxism 's Prediction to the Forth-coming Socio-Economic Relationships

  3. 政治思想在本质上是人们对一定的社会经济关系的认识。

    The political thought is people 's knowledge of social economic relations .

  4. 社会经济关系归根结底决定着伦理道德、个人品德。

    Moral and personality depend on social and economic relation .

  5. 公平是由社会经济关系决定的历史范畴。

    Fairness is a historical category determined by socioeconomic relationship .

  6. 利益原则是一定社会经济关系的轴心。经济学的产生是基于如何以最小的投入获取最大的利益回报。

    The axis of social economic relation is interests principles .

  7. 经济效益为一定的社会经济关系所制约。

    Economic efficacy is influenced by the social economic relations in a specific society .

  8. 经济法规是随着社会经济关系的变化而逐渐完善的。

    Economic regulations gradually reach perfection with the change of the social economic relation .

  9. 所体现的社会经济关系不同。

    Also embodies different social economy relation .

  10. 公共艺术与地域社会经济关系&广东地域公共艺术研究

    The Relationship between Public Art and Regional Social Economy-A Study on Public Art in Guangdong Region

  11. 因此,劳资关系的状况是社会经济关系的晴雨表。

    Therefore , the status of labor relations is a barometer of social and economic relations .

  12. 道德作为意识形态,是由一定的社会经济关系所决定的。广告与意识形态

    As an ideology , moral is determined by the social and economic relations . Advertisements & Ideology

  13. 金钱货币的诞生是社会经济关系发展中的一个重要因素。

    The appearance of money is an important factor in the development of the social economic relation .

  14. 这是礼俗组织农村生产消费活动的一个证明。四、讨论礼俗与近代桂东南社会经济关系。

    Two , is the relationship between Lisu expenses and the rural finance in the southeast of modern Guangxi .

  15. 经济法是转型国家制度设计中的一项重要内容。它是调整国家对经济活动的管理所产生的社会经济关系的法律规范的总和。

    As a norm of economic activities , the economic law is an important component of resetting of institution .

  16. 种族主义和种族歧视对土著人民与国家间社会经济关系影响讨论会

    Seminar on the effects of racism and racial discrimination on the social and economic relations between indigenous peoples and states

  17. 劳动关系是社会经济关系中最基础最敏感的部分,它不仅影响经济发展,而且影响政治格局和社会稳定。

    The labor relation is the most sensitive social economic relation affecting both economic development and political and social stability .

  18. 目前常熟人口与社会经济关系已步入良性循环阶段。

    At present , the relationship between the population and the socioeconomics of Changshu is on the stage of benign circulation .

  19. 劳动关系是在就业组织中由雇佣行为而产生的一种社会经济关系,它体现为雇员与雇主间的合作、冲突或力量对比。

    Labor relationship stems from the employment facts in various profitable working organizations viewed as a sort of social economic tie .

  20. 劳动关系是重要的社会经济关系,关系到劳动者、企业和政府等多方主体的切身利益。

    Labor relation is an important social and economic relation , which does weigh with the laborer , firm and government .

  21. 社会经济关系的新变化给当代中国知识分子的政治观念带来了深刻影响。

    The new changes brought by a society s economic relation has exerts profound effects upon the political thinking of Chinas intellectuals .

  22. 违约责任的确定在不同历史时期、不同国家有不同的归责原则,这表明它是随着社会经济关系的发展而不断变化的;

    Those principles differ from country to country , evolve through time and adapt to the development of social and economical relations .

  23. 经济效益是否可观、长久,直接取决于人们对社会经济关系的认识状况,即取决于政治思想是否科学。

    How much the influence would be depends on people 's knowledge of social economic relations , namely , whether the political thought is scientific .

  24. 当代中国社会经济关系的变化,社会任务的转变及阶级分析产生的思想混乱,要求我们在认识方法上实现从阶级分析向阶层分析的转变。

    On the Social Justice On Social Stratification The changes of social structure require the way of understanding transforms from class analysis to stratum analysis .

  25. 并且随着社会经济关系的日益复杂化,财产犯罪保护法益的范围也会发生相应的变化。

    Along with increasingly complicated social economic relations , the scopes for safeguarding the legal benefits in the property crimes are also being changed accordingly .

  26. 马克思恩格斯强调,道德受制于决定着社会经济关系性质并进而影响社会各类人际关系的所有制。

    Marx and Engels restated that morality is restricted by the system of possession that decides social economic relations and influences interpersonal relations of various kinds .

  27. 善与恶是道德领域中的特殊矛盾,随着社会经济关系的变化,它们的内涵也随之改变。善恶的依据来自一定的社会经济关系,并随着社会经济关系的改变而改变;

    Being a particular contradiction in the field of ethics , virtue and vice constantly change in connotation with the change in social and economic relationship .

  28. 其中,社会经济关系的和谐是和谐社会建设的基础,社会政治关系的和谐是和谐社会建设的保障,社会文化关系的和谐是和谐社会建设的动力。

    Among those , the harmony of economic relation is the basis of building harmonious society , political relation the guarantee , and cultural relation the driving force .

  29. 因此通过社会经济关系来认识收入和财富分配不平等的问题是十分必要且具有现实意义的。

    So , it is very necessary and realistic to realize the unequal distribution of income and wealth by the way of the structure of social economic relationship .

  30. 因此,中国市场化改革的首要任务是要调整和理顺人们的社会经济关系。

    Therefore , the first task for the reform of the general adoption of the market principle in China is to adjust and harmonize the social economic relations .