
  1. 请将此社团章程存档并转寄出去,造福更多想学英文的朋友。

    P. S. Please save this principle and forward it to the friends who want to learn English .

  2. 承认本社团章程,热爱英语学习,承诺并履行会员义务。

    Obey the rules of the club , have passion for English learning and pledge to shoulder the responsibility as members .

  3. 苏州市大部分民间篮球社团的章程或管理制度还不够完善,社团自身的管理上还存在一些问题。

    Most of the constitution or management systems are not perfect , and there are still some problems exists in the management of their own community .

  4. 她希望商会根据社团组织章程积极工作、稳步发展,在促进企业乃至整个行业的发展中发挥更大的作用。

    She hoped that CWIA would be active in work , stable in development under the rules of the Association and could play a greater role in developing enterprises and the industry as a whole .

  5. 高校学生社团是由学生依据共同的兴趣爱好自愿组成,按照社团章程自主开展活动的大学生群体中的群众性组织,是实施素质教育的重要途径和有效载体。

    College student association is composed of those students who share the same interest and join in voluntarily . It is a mass association among students and carries out activities according to the articles of the association and an important and efficient means to implement the quality education .