
  • 网络compulsion;Enforcement function;hardening
  1. 而此时则需要国家公权力,尤其需要司法权介入发挥强制作用以恢复秩序。

    This problem need state power , especially to the role of judicial intervention force to restore order to play .

  2. 在它的强制作用下,承担过度风险的代价将由正确的人选承担&股东与次级债券持有者。

    It forces the costs of excessive risk taking on to the right people – the shareholders and subordinated debt holders .

  3. 在无外加强制作用下实现里克管脉动工况数值模拟,与里克管作为自激热声装置的实际情况一致。

    Numerical simulation results of Rijke tubes , pulsating without forced triggering , agree with actual conditions of Rijke tubes acting as self-excited thermal-sonic devices .

  4. 然而另一个角度的研究却表明,即便是一个没有外力强制作用的市场本身也存在着内在的强制,正因为如此,人们被迫作出一种制度选择&国家干预。

    But a new study from another angle shows that the market itself has inner coercion even it has no outside coercion , so people must have a system choice & government intervention .

  5. 本文基于Morison公式和线性波理论,根据试验室里规则波和强制波作用下小直径圆形桩柱上总波浪力的试验资料分析,讨论了规则波3

    Based on Morison Equation and the linear wave theory , this paper analyses the model test data about the total forces of a vertical circular cylinder under the regular or forced wave action , discusses the hydraulic dynamic coefficients in the range 3

  6. 商标制度可以对名牌的传播起到防止假冒和反假冒的强制约束作用,并以此维护该名牌与消费者之间的特殊关系。

    The trademark system can restrain the counterfeit trademarks to sustain the special relationship between the brands and the consumers .

  7. 在政府进行制度安排的过程中,由国家强制力作用实施的正式制度的作用尤为重要,它在很大程度上决定着制度安排的成效。

    That activities the government implement compulsively are more critical , which affect the results of institutional schedule in most degree .

  8. 数值计算结果证实这主要是熔池中熔体在表面张力梯度下引起的强制对流作用的结果。

    This is the result of forced convection on the fused liquid of the molten pool induced by surface tension gradient , which has been proved by numerical simulation .

  9. 拌和过程的发展速度取决于拌和机中物料流的运动特点,此时叶片的强制搅拌作用保证了物料的循环流动。

    Development speed to mix and stir course depend on sport characteristic that supplies flow of the blade which mix and stir , to mix function guarantee circulation of supplies flow by force blade at this moment .

  10. 对在强制位移作用下的混凝土板变形及破坏过程进行了数值模拟和动画显示,并对钢筋混凝土梁在不同剪跨比情况下的破坏形态进行了模拟分析。

    The deformation and damage process of a concrete plate under forcible loading were simulated and displayed , and the different failure configurations of the reinforced concrete beams with different ratios of shear to span were also simulated .

  11. 文中对在强制位移作用下的混凝土板破坏过程、对钢筋混凝土梁在不同剪跨比情况下的不同破坏形态以及在爆炸荷载作用下的钢筋混凝土框架结构的倒塌破坏过程进行了模拟分析。

    The damage process of a concrete plate , the different failure configuration of reinforced concrete beam with different ratio of shear to span , and the collapse process of reinforced concrete frame due to explosion are simulated and analyzed .

  12. 农村经济的进一步发展,需要村镇银行的鼎力支持,为确保村镇银行的稳健发展,需要对村镇银行进行法律规制,发挥法律具有的指引、评价、预测、教育、强制的作用。

    The further development of the rural economy needs support from the rural bank . To ensure the healthy development of village banks , we need legal regulation for the law has guidelines , evaluation , prediction , education , mandatory characters .

  13. 粉末活性炭在水体中强制分散及其作用研究

    A study on method of powdered activated carbon forced dispersion in water and its effect

  14. 研究在强制对流的作用下,室内气流的流动结构、速度、温度分布以及换热规律。

    The airflow structure , velocity , temperature and the law of heat exchange on the condition of the forced convection are studied .

  15. 而伦理制度是指伦理道德要求的规则化,是以外在于个体的制度形式而存在的伦理要求,它具有一定的社会强制效力和作用。

    Ethical institution means that ethical requirements of the rules and it lies in the form of individual and the ethical requirements , it has a certain social mandatory force and effect .

  16. 本研究基于同辈群体是个人社会化的重要影响因素,同辈群体的观念及行为模式几乎是一种普遍强制力量,作用于青少年的成长过程。

    This study is based on that the peer group is an important affecting factor in personal socialization , and the idea and behavior mode of peer group is almost a general force to the growing up of the teenagers .

  17. 我国现在迫切需要通过法律的指引、预测、评价、强制规范的作用来实现国家环境安全,这部法律的出台对人们的生活健康乃至人类的可持续发展,均有十分重要的意义。

    It is crucial to realize the environmental security through legal guiding function , predicting function , evaluation function , compulsive regulation function , and the enactment of the Environmental Security Law can realize national environmental security on benefit of our health life and human 's sustainable development .

  18. 气候变化、构造抬升和边界断层的幕式断陷活动引起的盆地缓坡带基底差异沉降运动均可引起断陷湖盆中相对湖平面的下降,也是引起强制湖退作用的三大成因机制。

    Three forming mechanisms that give rise to the FLR can be concluded as climate change , structural uplift and basement differential subsidence in gentle slope caused by episodic movements of boundary faults . They can also lead to the falling of the relative lake-level in rift basin .

  19. 断陷湖盆中强制湖退沉积作用及其成因机制

    Sedimentation and Its Forming Mechanism of the Forced Lacustrine Regression in the Rift Lacustrine Basin

  20. 在齿轮热滚挤加工中,轮齿上的金属在强制挤压力的作用下沿齿面产生塑性流动,使齿形发生变化。

    During ausform finishing process of hardened gears , there is plastic displacement of metal on the tooth surface and the distortion of tooth profile .

  21. 三是取保候审、监视居住存在自身的弊端,没有发挥非羁押性强制措施的替代作用。

    Thirdly , released on bail and residential surveillance have their own shortcomings , and do not actually perform the role of non-custodial coercive measures .

  22. 三者之中,行政强制是唯一可以作用于市场主体经济活动全过程的行政行为,具有强制性、即时性、侵权性的特点,其设定、主体、范围都受到严格限制和规范。

    Among them , administrative coercive is the only one which can play role through the whole process of market economic activities . With mandatory , real-time and tort characteristics , the setting , subject and range of administrative coercive must be strictly limited and regulated .

  23. 法律调整是指国家或者经过国家认可的法律规范,在主体法律意识或者国家强制力量的保障下,自发地或者强制地作用于主体间、以及主体与客体间交往关系的过程。

    Legal regulation means a process in which state or legal norm authorized by state spontaneously or compulsorily affect among subjects or between subject and object relating to their communicative relations , with the aid of subjects ′ legal consciousness or under protection by state ′ s compulsory forces .

  24. 以往人们往往更多地关注的是法律强制力、惩罚性的一方面,法律作为强制的规范作用在显化。

    The past , people tend to pay more attention to the force of law , the punitive aspect of the law as a mandatory regulatory role in the manifest .

  25. 最后分析专利权与强制许可制度关系,通过理论分析,法律经济学分析,得出强制许可的真正作用在于威慑,这是本论文的研究目的。第五部分:我国应该如何应对。

    In the end analyze relationship between the patent and compulsory licensing , through theoretical and law-economics analysis to conclude that the real function of compulsory licensing is overawingPart ⅴ: How to deal with problems of our country .

  26. 监视居住制度作为刑事强制措施之一,本身具备的保障刑事诉讼程序顺利进行和补充刑事强制方式的作用,捍卫着其在刑事诉讼体系中不可或缺的地位。

    Residential surveillance system as one of the criminal compulsory measures , the criminal proceeding smoothly and supplement of criminal coercive manner role , defending its indispensable status in the criminal justice system .

  27. 《中华人民共和国行政强制法(草案)》吸收了当代行政法学的理论研究成果,将比例原则引入法律,并突出程序在行政强制法中的作用,但尚有不足。

    Though the Act of Administrative Enforcement ( Draft ) has absorbed the theory of modern administrative jurisprudence , introduced the Proportion Principle into the law and stressed the function of procedure , it still needed to improve .