
  • 网络application of law
  1. BOD微生物传感器快速测定法的适用性探究

    Discussion of Adaptability on the BOD Quick Test Method by Microorganism Sensor

  2. NBA的劳资协议中存在很多限制竞争的规定,但可以凭借劳资豁免规避反垄断法的适用。

    There are a lot of competition restriction stipulations in the labor agreement of NBA , but the application of the antitrust law can be dodged by means of labor exemption .

  3. 同时证明了在pushover法的适用范围内,可以应用简单的pushover法代替复杂的非线性动力时程分析法对结构进行抗震性能评估。

    It had also been identified that the time history analysis method could be replaced by the pushover analysis method when the pushover analysis method was reliable .

  4. 本文介绍了电力系统静态稳定分析QR方法和AES()PS方法,并根据对山东电力系统的研究结果,分析指出了全部特征值QR分析法的适用范围、有效性及其不足。

    The QR transformation method and AESOPS algorithm for analyzing the small signal stability in power systems are introduced in this paper . The efficiency of QR transformation method is studied particularly based on analysis of the Shandong power system .

  5. 从物质导数的基本概念出发,导出了准定常流法的适用条件受相似准则Strouhal数Sr的限制。

    The similarity criterion & Strouhal number Sr was derived from the substantive derivative in this paper . The Sr number is a limiting condition for applying of the quasi steady flow method to the measurement of the instantaneous flowrate .

  6. 鉴于此,本文第二部分研究了NES系统在不同故障工况下的暂态电流及其频谱特征,用以评估暂态法的适用性。

    In view of this , the second part of the paper focuses on transient signal and its frequency spectrum characteristic research in order to evaluate the applicability of fault line selection methods based on transient signal .

  7. 对合理低价中标法的适用性探讨

    Probing into the applicability of the low and reasonable price method

  8. 物之所在地的识别问题作为物之所在地法的适用前提之一,有着不可忽视的研究价值和实践价值。

    Identify the location has no ignored research and practice value .

  9. 医疗纠纷与消费者权益保护法的适用

    Iatrical entanglement and the use of law of consumer-profit protection

  10. 正、反台阶法的适用范围探讨

    Study on application scope of positive and negative bench method

  11. 体积因素平衡移动法的适用性研究

    Study on the Applicability of the Mobile Equilibrium Method in Volume Factor

  12. 关于治安管理处罚法的适用问题

    On some applicable problems of the management of Public Security Punishment Law

  13. 论国有企业的改革与反垄断法的适用

    On the Reform of State-owned Enterprises and the Application of Anti-monopoly Law

  14. 一种预应力张索网架的构想及其蒙特卡罗法的适用性分析

    A Prestressed Tensegrity Grids Structure and Its Applicability Analysis in Monte Carlo Method

  15. 稳态处理法的适用条件探析

    A Probe into the Application Condition of Stable Treatment

  16. 光学层析中拉普拉斯变换法的适用条件

    Restriction of Laplace Transform Method Used in Axisymmetric Field

  17. “一事不再罚”是我国行政处罚法的适用规则之一。

    On the Criminal Law Supervision of Peoples Procuratorate over Administrative Punishment Power ;

  18. 文中指出了该法的适用范围。

    The limitation of the method is also pointed out in the paper .

  19. 知识产权是法律赋予的合法垄断权,一般是作为反垄断法的适用除外存在的。

    Intellectual Property right is a legitimate monopoly .

  20. 海上货物运输法的适用范围研究

    Study on the Application Scope of Transport Law of Carriage of Goods by Sea

  21. 最优分割法的适用性及一类有序样品的聚类方法

    Applicability of the optimum partition method and the clustering methods for some order sample

  22. 长序列法的适用性较好,可以广泛应用。

    While the latter works well and could be applied widely in engineering peace .

  23. 几种大气稳定度分类法的适用性研究

    Study of Applicability of Stability Classification Schemes

  24. 论破产法的适用范围

    On the Applicable Scope of Bankruptcy Law

  25. 我国破产法的适用范围及其完善?

    On the applying range of bankruptcy law in China and how to perfect it ?

  26. 谈社会主义法的适用

    On the Application of the Socialist Laws

  27. 分析了最低价中标法的适用范围,并对最低标价合理性的确定方法提出了一些建议。

    It analyzes applicable scope of the lowest bid , and suggests deciding on reasonable price .

  28. 然而,不同的领域专利法的适用并不完全一样。

    However , the application of Patent Law is not exactly the same in different fields .

  29. 民族地区法制建设面临的最大问题是习惯法的适用。

    The problem in legal system building in ethnic areas is the applicability ot national custom law .

  30. 三要素法的适用对象

    Applicable Object of Three-element Method