
hénɡ pínɡ fǎ yuàn
  • court of chancery;court of equity
  1. 美国一些州衡平法院的首席法官。

    The presiding judge of a court of chancery or equity in some states of the United States .

  2. 召来军队以恢复法治和程序。诉讼事务衡平法院的诉讼程序和程序法;衡平法。

    To call in the army to restore law and order . The proceedings and practice of a court of chancery ; equity .

  3. 去年10月,福布斯家族通过其投资公司苏格兰高地管理有限责任公司(HighlandManagementL.L.C.)在特拉华州的衡平法院提起诉讼。

    Last October the Forbes family , through its investment vehicle Highland Management L.L.C. , sued in Chancery Court in Delaware .

  4. 但是,今年8月,戴维森县衡平法院(DavidsonCountyChanceryCourt)的一名法官判定该大学“为了反驳指控,不恰当地转移举证责任并将不合理的标准强加到莫克身上”,称该大学的裁决“武断随意”。

    But a Davidson County Chancery Court judge ruled in August that the university had " improperly shifted the burden of proof and imposed an untenable standard upon Mr. Mock to disprove the accusation . " The judge called the university 's ruling " arbitrary and capricious . "

  5. 只有少数几个州继续保持独立的衡平法院。

    Only few States continue to maintain a separate chancery court .

  6. “衡平法院不会使信托因缺少受托人而失效”

    " The court will not allow a trust to fail for want of a trustee "

  7. 这就是此类规则直到最近才获得执行,而且只有通过衡平法院来执行。

    That these rules were until lately administered , and administered only , by the courts of equity .

  8. 浮动抵押,是英国衡平法院在司法实践中发展起来的一种特殊的抵押制度。

    Floating mortgage is a kind of special mortgage system that developed from British equity courtyard in the judicial practice .

  9. 在英美法中,实际履行随着衡平法院的发展作为普通法上的损害赔偿的例外而予以适用。

    Specific performance is applied as an exceptional remedy due to the relation between the equity law and the common law .

  10. 1870年,英格兰衡平法院以判例的形式确立了浮动抵押制度,之后为许多国家接受。

    In1870 , England balance court established floating charge system with the judicial precedent , and then many nations accepted it .

  11. 自从英国工业革命以来,因侵权的社会化,在英国的衡平法院,产生了应对这一侵权模式而产生的群体代表人诉讼。

    Since the British industrial revolution , due to infringement of socialization , in the UK court of equity , resulting in patterns of response to this tort litigation arising from representative groups .

  12. 在英美法系国家,第三人与信托财产产生纠纷时可由衡平法院进行救济,因此不设立信托公示制度。

    In the countries of common law , when the third person has dissension with the trust property , the equity court can give relief , so these countries don 't found the system of trust publication .

  13. 浮动抵押起源于罗马法,并最终通过英格兰衡平法院以判例的形式得以确立,同时也因为这一历史背景,只有对该制度的描述而没有一个明确的定义。

    Floating charges originated in Roman law , and ultimately by the Court of Chancery in England in the form of precedent has been established , but also because of the historical background , only a description of the system without a clear definition .

  14. 自英国衡平法院发明代表诉讼规则算起,群体诉讼制度的发展已经有200多年的历史了,期间世界各国先后建立起了符合本国国情的群体诉讼制度。

    Since the rule of representative action was established by the court of chancery in England , the group action has been 200 years , during which time each country in the world has successively established its own group action system in accordance with its state condition .