
  1. 中国古代家族法的产生,经历了一个漫长的演进历程。

    Ancient Chinese family law generation , experienced a long history .

  2. 介绍了循环伏安法的产生背景、原理。

    This paper introduced the background and principal of cyclic voltammetric methods .

  3. 从根本上说,法的产生正是为了实现权益的公正分配。

    Fundamentally speaking , law is made to realize the just distribution of equity .

  4. 试析法的产生过程

    Analysis on How Law Came into Being

  5. 预期差额法的产生与发展

    The formation and development of PD method

  6. 本文概述了国际环境法的产生、发展历程和基本原则。

    The thesis briefly states the emergence , development and basic principals of international environmental laws .

  7. 这部分阐述我国土壤污染防治法的产生与发展阶段。

    This section sets out our soil Pollution Control Act and the formation of the development stage .

  8. 从总体上讲,欧盟金融服务法的产生、发展和完善是欧洲一体化进程以及国际金融市场环境演变的必然结果。

    EU financial services law has been developing in the context of European integration and financial globalization .

  9. 这种新的支付方式的出现,也促成了以它为调整对象的电子资金划拨法的产生与发展。

    The coming of this new payment measure imposes the birth and development of Electronic Fund Transfer act .

  10. 伴随着复式簿记法的产生,盈余逐渐演变成为一个重要的概念,在财务报告中发挥着不可小视的作用。

    As the emerging of double entry bookkeeping , surplus became one of the important concepts of finance report .

  11. 论述了古希腊几何的穷竭法的产生以及穷竭法的理论基础和穷竭法的应用。

    The article discusses emergence of method of exhaustion in ancient Greek , theoretical foundation and use of the method .

  12. 银行监管法的产生和发展既有其经济学原因,也有其法学原因。

    The birth and development of bank supervision law are due to not only economic reasons but legal reasons as well .

  13. 子午流注纳络法的产生就恰恰说明了这个问题,这种疗法在理论上是有不过关的。

    Midday-midnight point selection method to produce precisely illustrates this problem . This kind of therapy in theory is not past .

  14. 环境法的产生虽不可能是环境与法简单地融合,但这二要素都是促使其产生的必要因素。

    Certainly environmental law is not only a simple combination between environment and law that are two necessary factors to originate environmental law .

  15. 文章第二部分主要阐述国际软法的产生、发展,从而对国际软法有比较直观的认识。

    The second part of the elaborate international soft law , development , and thus a more intuitive understanding of international soft law .

  16. 简要介绍了基因枪转化法的产生与发展、转化的特点以及影响转化频率的主要因素;

    The article briefly presented the produce and development of particle bombardment , the character of transformation and influence effects on transformation rate ;

  17. 经济法的产生带来了崭新的法律理念&社会公正,而社会公正也是文明的政治理念的基本内涵。

    The occurrence of economic law brings the new legal idea of social justice , which is the basic connotation of civilized political idea .

  18. 从地压管理和生产工艺过程方面分析了阶段充填采矿法的产生背景和划分依据。

    The generation background and the classification principle of mass filling method are analyzed from the aspects of ground pressure control and production process .

  19. 当我们回顾历史时会发现,经济法的产生有着其历史背景,是社会对经济公平需求下的产物。

    Looking back history we can find ' out that social demands for economic equality is historical background of the birth of economic law .

  20. 本文试从文明和文化的角度来观察环境法的产生和略述其发展。

    The author tries to explore the origin , brief account on development of environmental law according to its background of civilization and culture .

  21. 政府向国会呈送了被称为“改革蓝图”的大体框架,促进下一步教育法的产生。

    The administration sent its general ideas to Congress in what it called " A Blueprint for Reform " to develop the next education law .

  22. 利益衡量法的产生有福利行政的背景,其完整范式也是在福利行政正当程序案例中确立。

    Interest-balanced method came out in the background of welfare administration , and established its integrated paradigm in the due process cases of welfare administration .

  23. 从经济法的产生、经济法的调节方式、国外经验和我国实情看宏观经济调控法乃我国经济法的研究中心。

    Surveying the origin , modulating type , foreign experience and domestic situation of it , the research of economic law should focus on the macro-control law .

  24. 西方法治的形成主要有两方面的影响,第一,城市的兴起和城市法的产生;

    There are two causes for the formulation of the rule of law in the West . First , the city came into being and the city law appeared ;

  25. 经济法的产生原因,主要有经济集中和垄断、经济学思潮的改旗易帜、战争的推动以及经济法学说的基础。

    The reasons of the emergence of economic law mostly lie in economy centralization and monopoly , economic thoughts ' transformation , wars pushing and the theories of economic law .

  26. 第二节首先介绍补充变量法的产生及其思想,然后提出本文所要研究的问题。

    In Section 2 , we first introduce the generation and thought of supplementary variable technique , then we put forward the problem that we will study in this thesis .

  27. 经济法的产生与发展体现了现代市场经济运行模式的客观趋势和法律要求,昭示着法律文明的进步。

    The foundation and development of economic law embodies the tendency and the legal requirement of modern market economy , and it also declares publicly the advancement of legal culture .

  28. 而经济公益诉讼制度则是以十九世纪末二十世纪初经济法的产生为契机而出现的。

    But the system of economic public interest litigation emerged in the late of 19 century and at the beginning of 20 century on the basis of the emergency of economic law .

  29. 从经济法的产生来看,它产生于社会与国家、市场与政府的相互交融与渗透,作为社会法的一个组成部分,具有典型的社会性。

    Being seen from the vision of Economic Law 's growing , it has been growing from the exchange action between the country and the society , the government and the market .

  30. 在原始法的产生和发展过程中,神判与原始公法、私法两个方面的许多形式都有密切的关系。

    In the process of the formation and development of the primitive law , the ordeal has close relationship with many forms of the primitive " public law " and " private law " .