
  1. 三是加强法制监督机制。

    The third is to strengthen the mechanism of judicial supervision .

  2. 不断完善教育法制监督制度;

    We should continue to improve the supervising system in educational legality .

  3. 关于我国权力机关行政法制监督的思考

    Reflections on the Administrative Legal Supervision to the Organs of State Power

  4. 外部监督机制主要包括市场监督和法制监督。

    The external supervision mechanism refers to market supervision and legal supervision .

  5. 完善我国行政法制监督制度的理性思考

    Rational thinking of perfecting the system of supervision on the administrative legal system

  6. 建立法制监督制度。

    Fourth , the establishment of legal supervision .

  7. 39、完善法制监督体系。

    Improving the system of legal supervision .

  8. 论社会主义监督实践(二)&行政法制监督有效性的思考

    On Socialist Supervisory Practice ( 2 ) & Thoughts on Validity of Administrative Supervision of Legal System

  9. 行政法制监督作为一种法律制度,是依法行政和行政法制化的重要内容。

    Administrative legal supervision , as a legal system , is an important content in administrative legislation .

  10. 行政伦理监督包括政党监督、行政监督、法制监督、社会监督等四个途径。

    Supervision of administrative ethics includes four channels ── political party supervision , administrative supervision , law supervision and social supervision .

  11. 媒体在法制监督、法制宣传、遏制司法腐败和促进司法公正等方面发扬着重要的作用。

    Supervision of the media in the legal system , legal advocacy , to curb judicial corruption and promoting justice and so promote an important role .

  12. 充分发挥信用机制系统的自组织作用和法制监督作用,确保信用资金的安全性、流动性和效益性。

    The self-organization and lawful supervision of credit mechanism system should be brought into full play to ensure the safety , mobility and benefit of credit funds .

  13. 权力机关作为国家行政法制监督的主体,其对行政的监督是行政法制监督的重要方面。

    The organs of state power are the subjects of state administrative legal supervision , whose supervision to administration is an important aspect of administrative legal supervision .

  14. 行政法制监督的有效性是由各构成要素在一定的组合方式下相互影响、相互作用的综合效果来决定的,而不等于各构成要素功能的简单相加。

    The validity of administrative supervision of legal system is determined by comprehensive impacts of various elements which interact in a certain combined way , not simply by their summarizations .

  15. 行政法制监督和行政救济制度的加强,监督对象和行政诉讼受案范围的扩大是新公共行政的必然要求。

    It is the necessary requirement of new public administration when administrative law supervision and administrative relief system are strengthened , and the object of supervision and the extent of administrative litigation are enlarged .

  16. 本文就怎样解决这一矛盾提出要提高全民对环境保护的忧患意识,尽量减少采矿对生态环境的破坏,加强法制监督,加强环境综合治理和生态建设规划,加强复垦等对策和措施。

    This paper suggests that all the people should be consciousness of the protection environment , that decreasing in mining of mineral resources is necessary , and that enhancing the legal system about environmental management .

  17. 文章还提出了从旅游流量的分流、管理体制、法制监督和资金来源的多元化等方面来寻求最佳的应对之策。

    Moreover , this paper asks for the prime strategies through versatile channels such as the diffluence of tourism flowing , the management system , the supervision system of law and the source of funds .

  18. 这反映出现行立法的不全面,林业行政管理体制的不健全,也说明了我国缺乏有效的森林采伐办法和法制监督体系。

    This reflected the present legislation is not comprehensive , and the forestry administrative license system is not perfect , also explained our country lacks the effective means of cutting forest and the legality supervision system .

  19. 必须从所有权与管理权相分离、建立高素质的经营管理者队伍、法制监督等方面采取切实有效的措施,实现国资经营管理体制的改革。

    To avoid this , the ownership must therefore be separated from managerial authority , a reliable and qualified managerial team must be formed , and effective legal supervision formed to realize the reformation of their management .

  20. 最后提出了实施有计划地退耕还林还草、综合农业措施改良、控制人口增长和推动剩余劳动力转移、构建自然资源可持续利用的战略体系、加强法制监督等可持续发展对策。

    Finally , it indicated the countermeasures such as returning cultivated land in steep hill to forest , improving multiple measure for agriculture controlling the population explosion , building resources sustainable strategic system strengthening the legal supervision .

  21. 司法审查适时性问题的实质是协调行政权与司法权之间的关系,实现行政法制监督法律关系中这两种国家权力行为的规范化。

    The essence of timely judicial review is to coordinate the relation between the executive power and judicial power , and to realize the standardizations of these two kinds of state power behaviors in administrative legal supervisory system .

  22. 第6章通过对强化信用风险管理理念、提高资本充足率、完善内部信用评级体系、加强监管和法制监督强化信息披露等的论述,探讨了完善我国商业银行信用风险管理的对策。

    Chapter 6 discusses possible strategies for improving the credit risk management of our commercial banks via strengthening credit risk management philosophy , improving capital adequacy ratio , further developing IRB system , enhancing supervision and accelerate the information disclosure with legal control , etc.

  23. 规范性文件备案审查制度作为行政法制监督的一项重要制度,就是为维护法制统一、确保政令畅通、保障人民群众的正当权益所采取的有效措施。

    Regulatory document filing system as the administrative law review of an important system of supervision is to safeguard the unity of the legal system , ensure that government decrees to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the masses of the effective measures taken .

  24. 对教育法制执法监督问题的思考

    Thinking of Law-enforcing Supervision Question of Educational Legal System Zhao

  25. 法制化监督规范权力运行,保障权力在合法范围内运行。

    3 , To strength power monitoring , make laws to ensure the power are used properly .

  26. 只有从教育、法制、监督、自律四方面综合治理,才能使这个行业健康发展。

    The gambling of Internet games needs to be governed in terms of education , legal system , intendance and self-discipline .

  27. 法制舆论监督报道的活动空间及其拓展西部行政执法环境与舆论监督互动关系研究

    The Scope and Expansion of Legal Consensus Supervision On the Relation between the Circumstance of Administrative Enforcement and Supervision by Public Opinion in West China

  28. 本文分别从法制、监督、执法三方面,对政府支出超额预算的原因进行了分析,并提出了减少直至杜绝超额预算的对策与建议。

    Author analysed the reason of excess budget for expenditure from legal system , supervise and law enforcement so as to put forward suggestion of decreasing or even stopping the excess budget for expenditure in view of the above .

  29. 浅议消防法制建设与监督管理改革

    On Reform of Legal System Building and Supervision Management of Fire Protection

  30. 我们应采取加强教育、依靠法制、搞好监督等措施,将反腐败斗争进行到底。

    We should take measures to strengthen the education , rely the law and carry out the supervision methods to root out the corruption .