
  • 网络the value of law
  1. 法的价值与人的发展

    The Value of Law and the Development of Human Being

  2. 可持续发展原则与法的价值也存在密切联系。

    There is connection between sustainable development principle and the value of law .

  3. 在WTO背景下,我国反垄断法的价值取向应该是建立一种符合我国国情的反垄断制度,即温和型的反垄断法,使公平竞争的社会主义市场经济有序并畅通发展。

    Under the WTO background , the value-orientation of China 's Anti-monopoly Law ought to establish a mild anti-monopoly system according with the national conditions of our country , which can promote the fair competition of orderly and smooth marketing economy of socialism .

  4. 行政法的价值定位论纲

    The Outline on the Orientation of the Value of Administrative Law

  5. 反倾销法的价值取向及实际功效分析

    Analysis on the Value Orientation and Actual Efficiency of Antidumping Law

  6. 法的价值有工具性和目的性之分。

    Utility and motivity are the two categories of law values .

  7. 清洁生产法的价值目标及其配套措施建议

    The Goal of The Law of Cleaning Production And Its Correlation Measures

  8. 法的价值是更本质更深层的东西。

    Value of law is something quite essential and profound .

  9. 利益语境下经济法的价值分析

    Value Analysis on Economic Law in the Context of Interest

  10. 行政程序法的价值及立法意义

    The Value and the Legislative Significance of Administrative Procedure Act

  11. 法的价值与法的价值取向概念研究述评

    A Study on Concepts of Value and Value-orientation of Law

  12. 沉默权与刑事诉讼法的价值选择

    Choice of Value of the Right of Silence and Criminal Procedure Law

  13. 经济法的价值目标和人文理念

    The Value Goal and Humanity Idea of the Economic Law

  14. 比较研究。试论经济法的价值&从三维视角的再审视

    On the Value of Economic Law & From the Comparison of Three Angles

  15. 法的价值取向受制于特定的文化渊源;

    The value-orientation of law is based on the specific origin of culture .

  16. 劳动法的价值取向:效率、劳动者主体地位

    The Value Orientation of Labor Law : Efficiency , the Position of Labors

  17. 反垄断法的价值目标及其体现

    The Value Aim of Antimonopoly Law and Its Embodiment

  18. 社会分配法的价值范畴分析

    Analysis on the Value Category of Social Distributive Law

  19. 论法的价值完全信息价值的影响图求解法及其应用

    The Method of Calculating the Value of Perfect Information Based on the Influence Diagram

  20. 生态价值浅析论法的价值

    Elementary Introduction in the Theory of Ecological Value On the value of the law

  21. 正义或公正是法的价值目标。

    " Justice " or " equity " is the value aim of law .

  22. 和谐社会与法的价值追求

    On Value Pursuit of Harmonious Society and Law

  23. 自由与秩序是最经常发生冲突的一对法的价值。

    Order most frequently conflicts with liberty .

  24. 论法的价值的特性

    On the Features of the Leal Value

  25. 论法的价值良法价值构造论

    On Value Constructing of the Conscientious Law

  26. 经济法的价值分析

    Analysis on the value of economic law

  27. 经济法的价值取向;是对大多数人利益的保护;

    Its value orientation is to protect the whole interests of the vast majority people .

  28. 论行政法的价值

    On the Values of the Administrative Law

  29. 论国际法的价值

    On the Value of International Law

  30. 论法的价值

    On the value of the law