
  1. 但是国家制定法的普遍适用性却和这种少数民族习惯法产生一定的矛盾与冲突,影响国家制定法在哈萨克族群众中的适用效力。

    However , it causes conflict with the universal applicability of the national law and weakens the force of the national law on Kazak .

  2. 由于网格法的使用具有普遍性和先锋性,对于网格法应用历史的总结也是从一个角度梳理了近现代建筑史的关键节点和重要案例。

    Due to the use of grid method has universality and pioneering , the summary of grid application history is also the perspective of key nodes of modern architectural history .

  3. 建立在绝对线性叠加基础上的标准图版法并不存在严格的普遍性,这样的近似从理论上讲是有缺陷的,用常规的数学方法往往得不到正确的结果;

    As the " standard plate " method established on the basis of absolute linear stacking has not strict universality , the approximation has defects theoretically and correct results cannot be obtained usually by means of conventional mathematical methods .

  4. 法理念是法的内在精神。普遍性是法理念的重要特征,而法理念的超民族性则是其普遍性的重要表现。

    Idea of law is the inner spirit of law , and universality is the important feature of idea of law , while the universality is mainly embodies in the transcendental nationality of idea of law .

  5. 在法的原则方面则包含了法的普遍性原则、平等性原则、公正性原则和统一性原则。这些原则在今天建设社会主义法治国家中仍有重要的借鉴意义。

    The law principles , including the principles of universality , equality , justice and unification of law are still of reference value at present in constructing socialist constitutionality .