
  1. 文章分析了船员法的部门属性及其主要制度的特殊性,从而得出船员法为海上劳动法的结论。希望对以后我国船员法的立法工作起到理论上的指导作用。

    This article concludes that the crew law is the marine labor law through analyzing the crew law 's nature and its main systems , and will offer some guidance for the legislation of our country .

  2. 首先,要解决惩罚性赔偿引入中国法之后的部门法归属问题。

    We should solve the problem that punitive damages belong to which department of law , after it transplant to Chinese legal system .

  3. 新公司由英特尔和意法半导体的闪存部门组成。

    The company will comprise the flash memory units of Intel and STMicro .

  4. 而作为海商法这个特殊的部门法来说,对于海商法基本原则的研究在国内暂时还处于空白状态。

    Especially in maritime law , the fundamental principle is absent in domestic research .

  5. 再论国际经济法的独立法律部门地位&对广义国际经济法学说的思考与辩护

    On the Status of Independent Legal Branch of International Economic Law & Thoughts and defenses on broad theory of international economic law

  6. 经济法作为独立的部门法,对其实施层面的研究一直是经济法学研究的软肋。

    Research into the implementation of Economic Law , as an independent branch law , has been the bottleneck of Economic Law study .

  7. 经济法是独立的法律部门

    Economic Law is an Independent Legal Branch

  8. 实践教学法打破了传统的部门法教学的藩篱,使同学们把部门法教学中割裂的知识密切地联系了起来。

    Different from traditional teaching of branch law , practice-based teaching approach can make students connect the separate knowledge in the branch law teaching .

  9. 公共支出效益和成本的社会性、多样性,决定了公共部门的成本&收益分析法的运用与私人部门存在着区别。

    The sociality and diversity of benefit and cost in public expenditure determine the application of cost-benefit analysis in public sections different from that in private sections .

  10. 探索规范目的的方法,应从具体法法律关系涉及的部门法入手,以官方发布的释义性文件为补充。

    The method of exploring the legal purpose starts from norms related with special legal relationship , taking the relevant laws of the sexual files of office as added .

  11. 从划分部门法的标准来看,部门法的划分应由调整对象的社会功能来决定。

    Considering the standard of how to divide the branch law , the division of the branch law should depend on the social function of the object to be regulated .

  12. 在这一部分笔者对循环经济的概念、原则和发展层次作了简要介绍;对产业结构法的概念、法律部门组成及其与产业结构政策的关系作了说明。

    In this part , I introduced briefly about the definition , principles and hierarchies of Circular Economy ; and also I make a description of the definition , laws which consist of Industrial Structure Law .

  13. 反垄断法作为经济法中的子部门法,用以调整国民经济运行的各个竞争环节,其经济法的基本属性决定了反垄断法的运行必须遵守基本的经济规律。

    Anti-monopoly law is a branch of economic law which is supposed to adjust every competition links of our national economy and anti-monopoly law must be subjected to basic economy rule according to its basic attributes of economic law .

  14. 它是一个包括国际法和国内法在内的特殊法律部门。

    As to its nature , it is a particular law that includes international laws and national laws .

  15. 而宏观调控法是目前较为公认的经济法的子部门法,因而,对宏观调控法的权利、权力的研究与论证,是支撑经济法大厦独立性的重要基石之一。

    And Macro-Control Law is the fairly recognized departmental law of the economic law at present , thus , the research and proof of the power and right of Macro-Control Law is one of the important cornerstones to support the independence of the economic law .

  16. 传统的部门法划分理论不足以说明经济法是独立的部门法。

    The traditional division theories of branch laws are inadequate to describe economic law as an independent branch law .

  17. 法的以人为本的实质,必须体现在法体系的各个部门法之中。

    People-oriented spirit as the essence of the law must be embodied in each division of the system of law .

  18. 通过从理论上对安全生产法概念进行阐释,论证了安全生产法是独立的法律部门,并对安全生产基本法律制度进行了剖析。

    This paper attempts to explain the concept of product safety law theoretically , expound and prove that product safety law is a separate legal branch and analyze basic legal system of safety production .

  19. 经济法对于公平正义自有其独特的追求,否则它与其他法律部门没有分别,也就没有必要成为一个法的部门。

    But as view of fairness difference , the law is also widely divergent from the fairness it safeguards or pursuing path based on fairness view .

  20. 认为社会保险法具有自己独立的调整对象,是从属于社会保障法的一个法律部门。

    The social insurance law which has its own independent object of adjustment is a branch department subordinate to the social security law .

  21. 国债在我国国民经济中的角色应从传统的筹资性国债向调控性国债转变,国债法是宏观调控的专项法,不能简单地将国债法作为财政法的部门法。

    The role of public debt in our economy shall be transformed from the traditional revenued function to the macro-control one , and the law of public debt is one of the special macro-control law , which can not be simply thought as the department of fiscal law .

  22. 在古典自然法学派学者所阐述的有关自然法的理论中,蕴含着丰富的民法思想。民法是一个与政治法相对应的法律部门,调整的是公民与公民之间的社会关系;

    Civil law is a part of classical natural law theory , which is relative with political law and adjusts the relations of citizen .

  23. 关于新闻法的研究是源于新闻侵权,但是新闻侵权只是涉及新闻法的表象,仍然是传统的民事法律关系,新闻法要成为独立的部门法,应当具有独立的法律关系。

    Research in the press law derived from news tort that is just the idea related to the press law and all the same that is connected with traditional legal relations of the civil .