
fǎ lǐ
  • legal principle;theory of law;juridical logic
法理 [fǎ lǐ]
  • [theory of law;legal principle]法律的理论依据

法理[fǎ lǐ]
  1. 相对集中行政许可权的法理与实践

    Legal Principle and Practice of Relatively Centralized Right of Administrative License

  2. 法理作为我国法律的正式渊源,是基于现实的明智选择。

    It 's a sensible choice to take legal principle as the formal source of the law of our country .

  3. ISP承担版权侵权责任,有其相应的法理依据。

    It has jurisprudence basis for ISP responsible for their copyright infringement .

  4. 本文首先对WTO例外条款进行了概述,包括概念、分类、法理基础及蕴涵的法律原则。

    Firstly , this thesis makes a general introduction to WTO exception clauses , which consists of concepts , classification , jurisprudential basis and the implied legal principles .

  5. 关于MTV维权事件的法理思考

    Legal thinking about events of defending rights of MTV

  6. SA8000之法理探析

    On the Jurisprudence Analysis of SA8000

  7. 浅谈环境法理、环境伦理与和谐社会

    On Environmental Theory of Laws , Environmental Ethics and Harmonious Society

  8. 略论提单纠纷诉因选择的法理基础及必要限制

    On Selecting for the Cause of the Dispute of Lading Bill

  9. 加强地理标志法律保护必要性之法理思考

    Jurisprudential thought on necessity of strengthening the protection of geographical indication

  10. 可持续发展原则的法理探析

    Discussion and analysis of jurisprudence on the principle of sustainable development

  11. 从伦理社会向法理社会转型。

    The transition from ethics society to the legal principle society .

  12. 我国公证权的法理研究

    The Study on Notarial Power in China from the Perspective Jurisprudence

  13. 论我国民事诉讼程序设置的法理基础

    On the jurisprudential basis of establishing the civil procedures in China

  14. 治安承包现象之法理评析

    Jurisprudence commentary on the phenomenon of " public security contract "

  15. 完善我国问责制的法理思考

    A Jurisprudence Thought on Improvement of the Accountability System in China

  16. 执法为民的法理与历史之初步思考

    Thought on lawful theory and history of enforcing law for people

  17. 论代表与代理之法理比较&兼谈构建法人代表制度的必要性

    Comparison Between Representation and Proxy from Legal Principle Point of View

  18. 论国有企业经营机制转换的法理基础

    Basis of Legal Principle for Management Mechanism Changes of State-owned Enterprises

  19. 立法程序的公平是现代法律制度中立法公平不可或缺的法理内涵。

    While rule-of-law justice includes two aspects of legislative justice and .

  20. 理性心理治疗法理性心理治疗法中心性渗出性脉络膜视网膜病变患者行光动力治疗的护理

    Nursing of Patients of Central Exudative Chorioretinopathy Treated with Photodynamic Therapy

  21. 广东村民自治立法中若干问题的法理分析

    An Analysis on the Legislation for Villager Self-governance in Guangdong

  22. 论行政许可听证制度的法理基础和宪法依据

    The Administrative licence Hearing System 's Basis of jurisprudence and the Constitution

  23. 法利益平衡价值的法理探究

    Jurisprudential Study on the Balance of Interest Value of Law

  24. 婚姻关系中忠实义务的法理分析

    Analysis on the Responsibility of Loyalty in the Marriage with Legal Principles

  25. 民间融资合法化;合理期待原则之法理解析

    Make folk finance legitimate ; Legal Analysis of Legitimate Expectation

  26. 经济法法权之法理解析

    On the Juristical Analysis of the Legal Right in the Economic Law

  27. 社会性别与女性平等权的法理思考

    Jurisprudential reflection on social gender and women 's equal rights

  28. 道德诚信与法律诚信的法理解读

    Legal Interpretation to Moral Good Faith and Legal Good Faith

  29. 第二部分是告知义务的法理探讨。

    The second part is the legal discussion of duty to disclosure .

  30. 然后对程序性辩护的特点和法理基础进行了分析。

    Then it analyzed the theoretical basis and features of procedural defense .