
  • 网络unwritten constitution;uncodified Constitution;uncodified British constitution
  1. 以两类不同宪法类型的特征为标准,就能够对不成文宪法国家类型形成较为清晰的判断。

    The clarifying the characteristics of formation and forms of unwritten constitution is the basis for distinguishing the written and unwritten constitutions .

  2. 不成文宪法是一个多义的、历史的和相对的概念,概念本身的混乱源自语义的歧误,而不成文宪法形成与形式特征的明确则是划分成文与不成文宪法类型的基础。

    The concept is with multiple meaning and is historic and relative . The chaos understanding of the concept derives from the mistakes and misunderstanding of the word unwritten .

  3. 英国有不成文的宪法,美国有成文的宪法。

    Britain has an unwritten constitution , and the United States has a written constitution .