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  1. 这首插曲与影片不搭调。

    The song doesn 't go well with the film .

  2. 他唱起歌来老不搭调。

    He always gets out of tune when he sings .

  3. 数码产业的破坏力在改变着新闻和娱乐业,这导致了很多奇怪的联盟,但是Vice加入一家大型传媒集团这个想法还是让人觉得太不搭调了。

    The digital disruption that is transforming the news and entertainment businesses has led to many odd alliances , but few seem more incongruous than one that would join Vice with a corporate media conglomerate .

  4. 你或许从来没有听说过安德烈亚斯•施莱歇(AndreasSchleicher),这位性格温和的德国人即便在奥迪(Audi)的广告中扮演一位可靠的工程师也不会显得不搭调,但他是全球教育领域最具影响力的人物。

    You may never have heard of Andreas Schleicher , a placid German who wouldn 't look out of place as the reliable engineer in an Audi advert , but he is the most powerful man in global education .

  5. 你们实在是不搭调的一对。

    This is really a poor match up right from day one .

  6. 这些令人眩晕的开支似乎与全球经济氛围不搭调。

    This giddy spending might look out of tune with the global economic mood music .

  7. 这个草图很好,但是风格同我们的游戏不搭调。

    This is a very nice sketch , but the style is not approprite for our game .

  8. 新式的建筑工程与古老的房屋结构极不搭调,也成为破坏原来山水美景的“败笔”。

    Much of the new construction jars with traditional architecture , and has blemished some previously stunning mountain backdrops .

  9. 如果你担心“肚腩包”和你的肤色毛发不搭调,不用着急。

    And if you 're worried about the Dadbag not matching your skin tone and hairiness , don 't be .

  10. 所有的服装都互不搭调:裤子很宽松,外套很紧,帽子很小,鞋子很大。

    Everything a contradiction : the pants baggy , the coat tight , the hat small , and the shoes large .

  11. 穿上新买的马球衫和斜纹棉裤,这四个高大的男人看上去还真像那么回事,除了那蓬乱的大胡子显得有些不搭调。

    In newly purchased polo shirts and chinos , the four husky men , might blend in except for their scruffy beards .

  12. 你的个人用词和城市的用词若不搭调,你就不属于此地。

    And if your personal word does not match the word of the city , then you don 't really belong there .

  13. 然而,把他们全部贬为一个“群体”显然是毫无根据的归类,和作者在做科学研究的人类学家的身份极不搭调。

    However , relegating all of them to a " tribe " is an unsubstantiated generalization hardly befitting an anthropologist engaged in a scientific study .

  14. 她的振奋,她的乐观——与这座发臭、缓慢、逐日下陷、神秘、沉默、古怪的城市毫不搭调。

    Her cheer , her optimism - they in no way match this stinky , slow , sinking , mysterious , silent , weird city .

  15. 当受测者实际听到的音乐与他们预期的有出人时,譬如在一段合音后出现一个不搭调的音弦,这个区域也会呈现比较缓和的反应。

    This region also responded , more modestly , to a mismatch between what it expected to hear versus what they actually heard & for example , if an unrelated chord followed a harmony .

  16. 这种观点似乎和全书的其余部分完全不搭调,充满机智和时尚,责备了这个行业的鲁莽闯入以及还有很多人仍然愚蠢地认为这样的婚礼是神圣的。

    This rather sweeping opinion seems out of tone with the rest of the book which , with wit and style , condemns the industry for crudely colonising an event that many still consider sacred .

  17. 网友SuperDuede说:“这地方真是丑到拍案惊奇啊!如此多的破败楼房就紧挨着俗气的新建筑,建筑风格还互不搭调。可怕的城市。”

    A user called SuperDude said : ' It was amazing how ugly the place was ! So many run-down buildings right next to tacky new structures and none of them match each other . Hideous city . '

  18. 一旦换个位置,可能大小不合适,可能与周围环境不搭调,所以一般都是丰永久展示装置。

    Once a change in position , may be the right size , might not in tune with the surrounding environment , so the rich are generally permanent display device .

  19. 森林里的绿光和少年人的笑声有一种古怪的不协调感,这里太阴森了,有一种不祥的气氛,跟我周围的轻松的调笑一点儿也不搭调。

    The green light of the forest was strangely at odds with the adolescent laughter , too murky and ominous to be in harmony with the light banter around me .